A couple more instances (this time apparently canvas+create and canvas
+-fill flag):

wrote 737 of 737
missing close-brace
wrong # coordinates: expected 0 or 4, got 5
bad option "cre.x87260d8.c": must be addtag, bbox, bind, canvasx,
canvasy, cget, configure, coords, create, dchars, delete, dtag, find,
focus, gettags, icursor, index, insert, itemcget, itemconfigure, lower,
move, postscript, raise, scale, scan, select, type, xview, or yview
.x87260d8.c itemconfigure 8807fd8LABEL -text {All sounds off} 
wrote 63 of 63

missing close-brace
.x87260d8.c itemconfigure 8807fd8LABEL -text {F6} 
wrote 51 of 51
unknown option "-f.x87260d8.c"

It is almost if there are three asynchronous streams trying to enqueue
events inside Pd.


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