From my point of view, I plan on making the 0.43 release of Pd- extended all split out into separate debian packages. You can see my progress here:

The sticky parts going forward are going to be the pd-zexy package. Pd- extended needs zexy built as a libdir, but in the pd-zexy package its built as a single-file-multiple-object library. If pd-zexy can't change, then I guess I'll need to do pdextended-zexy or something like that, which would be a shame.

Here are the libraries currently included in Pd-extended that I am planning to no longer support. Anyone is free to pick up supporting them if they want to. Personally, I think if someone wants to pick up supporting them, they'd be better maintained as libraries outside of Pd-extended: memento, rradical, pixeltango, ext13, cxc, mjlib, moonlib, motex, gyre, puremeasurement, sigpack, keyboardkeys, la- kitchen, toxy.


On Jun 19, 2010, at 12:08 PM, Claude Heiland-Allen wrote:


I was hoping that pd-extended would be split into a core package (containing the Extended pd) and modular external packages, but it seems[1] that this has been postponed yet again until the next+1 release.

In case this becomes "jam tomorrow" forever, what can I do to guarantee that the next+1 release does indeed contain modular packages, so that users have the choice between Miller pd and Extended pd without having to worry about whether externals are available?




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