Yeah, I added the "pd set-startup", etc. stuff to m_glob.c and s_path.c. Regardless of the startup procedure, I think pd-gui should be able to request state from pd so it can stay in sync. A dialog shouldn't be required to get this info. This is akin to IOhannes' idea that pd-gui's state should be settable by pd at any point while running.

Then it makes sense to reuse the same procedure for getting the state in the startup procedure, rather than having a custom method for only the startup procedure.


On Jul 16, 2010, at 10:59 PM, Miller Puckette wrote:

Hi Hans --

the "vwait" line didn't seem correct to me (could return right after
Pd says to clear pd_path, before the other messages bubble up to append
the various directories to it).

I ended up fixing Pd to volunteer the path and startup stuff before sending pdtk_pd_startup so that none of the tcl side of things should be needed
any longer.  OTOH if you were planning to send "pd set-startup" etc at
some later point in the tcl code, this would need to be supported in Pd...(?)


On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 03:58:24PM -0400, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

Hey Miller,

I just noticed that you left out a key part of pd-gui-rewrite in
0.43. There is the 'set-startup' and 'set-path' messages which allows
pd-gui to get the state of those things without having to open the
respective preference dialog panels. The changes are in m_glob.c and
s_path.c, as well as these lines in pd-gui.tcl:

   pdsend "pd set-startup" ;# get ::startup_libraries
and ::startup_flags lists
   pdsend "pd set-path"    ;# get the ::pd_path list
   vwait ::pd_path ;# wait for 'pd' to respond



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