Following up on this—doesn't look like anything in iemguts will help.

Basically I need either

1) A way to generate a list (once) of all object names, number of inlets and 
outlets or

2) A way to output the number of inlets and outlets for a given object name.

I've been hunting through the pd source looking for inspiration... perhaps I 
could write an external that calls obj_noutlets and obj_ninlets, for instance.  
However it would be ideal to just generate a list once that I can refer to 

If anyone has any ideas or pointers (har) I'd love to hear them!  Would it be 
of any use to cross-post to the pd-list?

Thanks everyone :)

On Aug 2, 2010, at 3:06 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

> Hey t3db0t, I'm happy to see you digging into the guts!  mrpeach's [which] 
> will tell you if an object exists or not.  Maybe something in the iemguts lib 
> will tell you more?
> .hc
> On Aug 2, 2010, at 12:55 PM, Ted Hayes wrote:
>> Hi all, this is t3db0t, been meaning to subscribe here for a while and 
>> finally did, and I have a question.
>> I'm writing a remote front-end that sends FUDI internal messages over a 
>> socket to a server running a -nogui Pd instance.  I'd like to be able to get 
>> a listing of every object available to that instance with how many inlets 
>> and outlets each object has, i.e.,
>> osc~ 2 1
>> etc. etc.  I wouldn't assume this is possible, but I had to ask before I 
>> just start hand-coding my own.  I image the native Pd front-end builds this 
>> list when it initializes, so is there any way I can listen in to that—over a 
>> socket?  Thanks everyone!!
>> —t3db0t
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