Its defintiely been long enough for the lazy consensus. If you are still interesting, post your sourceforge account name, and I'll add you.


On May 6, 2011, at 10:37 AM, yvan volochine wrote:


I'd like to join the Pure-Data developers team on

I am a musician (and programmer) and I have been using pd for some years (like 5 years ago) to eventually use SuperCollider only.

now that I managed to make my girlfriend switch to linux and that she uses pd a lot (daily), I had to go back to pd myself sometimes, in order to help her ;)

while doing this, I realized that pd still lacks some basic things that would make it cooler, (like some of my recent patches on, recentfiles, menubar, etc). therefore, when I have some free time, I like to make patches for pd and make it more user-friendly to incite more people to use it (instead of.. say.. max ? :P) because I think that open source is the future.

I am not very good with C but I can help with fixing small bugs or make the UI better, etc..

you can find some patches to pd-src and some gui-plugins that I use here:

some of my other projects:

thanks for reading!


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