On Aug 28, 2011, at 1:23 PM, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:

From: IOhannes zmölnig <zmoel...@iem.at>
To: pd-dev@iem.at
Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2011 8:15 AM
Subject: Re: [PD-dev] iemlib help patch revisions

On 08/28/2011 12:31 AM, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
I have revised the iemlib help patches to include the [pd META] subpatch. Who do I give them to to commit? Or do I just do it myself?

please do not commit yourself.
instead, please send the revised patches to thomas musil.

I sent themto him over a month ago at: mu...@iem.at

Is that the correct email address?

I think your best bet is to add it to the patch tracker, assign it to Thomas Musil, and then email him.



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