On Tue, 2011-10-04 at 09:45 -0400, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> On Oct 4, 2011, at 5:19 AM, Roman Haefeli wrote:
> > I'm all for [import] and I also think it is much nicer to use, but
> > unfortunately it is not (yet) part of vanilla. And yes, I think also
> > [declare] should work in an 'inclusive' manner.
> apt-get install puredata-import :-D

I do know about it being available in Debian. That still doesn't make it
part of vanilla. I'm not sure I get your point. By pointing to
puredata-import are you implying that making [declare] work correctly is
not worth the effort? Should its usage be abandoned in your opinion?

I'm desperately looking for a _generic_ (read: 'working in all
flavours') way to enable libraries in a consistent way. Since [declare]
is part of vanilla and works in all flavors, it appeared to me to be the
best candidate. That is why I used [declare] in all Debian package
readmes to show how to enable the respective library. The current
implementation of [declare] has some flaws, which I tried to point out.
I think it shouldn't be too difficult to agree on how it is supposed to

OTOH, we could simply ditch [declare] and recommend using [import] to

Personally, I think that trying to fix [declare] is worth the
discussion. Also I would like to have it fixed. 


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