On Jan 27, 2012, at 12:28 PM, batinste wrote:

> On 27/01/2012 16:17, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>> On Jan 25, 2012, at 2:55 PM, András Murányi wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 18:30, batinste <dwanaf...@yahoo.fr> wrote:
>>> Hi there !
>>> András Murányi told me that i should join the compile farm, and i think
>>> it could be nice to help the community. I have a Hewlett Packard Aspire
>>> Revo 1.6GHz Intel Atom N230, 2GB RAM running Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot 64
>>> bit. Pd-extended compiles fine as far as i can tell, i have no
>>> dependencies issues. I've built it a few times since last week.
>>> The server has been running and online for 2 years now with minor
>>> unavailabilities, mainly because of my ISP's crappy modem/router.
>>> So, it's up to you :)
>>> On my Lucid, it goes like this:
>>> - I've created a new user called pd,
>>> - Perhaps a /home/pd/auto-build/ folder needs to be created,
>>> - The attached file (run-auto-builds) goes into /etc/cron.daily/ ,
>>> - and because cron is actually run by anacron, I've also added 
>>> "START_HOURS_RANGE=9-24" to /etc/anacrontab in order to prevent the builds 
>>> to happen at night (because they spin up the fans and that is too noisy),
>>> - the PATH in anacrontab may also have to be adjusted if things don't want 
>>> to run.
>>> ...from this point the build shall happen every day - unless I've forgot 
>>> something important.
>>> IF the build seems to happen every day, tell Hans-Cristoph Steiner and he 
>>> will enable the uploads to the server. (BTW, you can also allow ssh access 
>>> to the pd account on your machine later, but it's an independent task.)
>>> This is how I recollect the setup, but just tell me if you get stuck or 
>>> anything unclear.
>>> Andras
>> hey batinste,
>> The more the merrier, your offer is much appreciated!  My only concern with 
>> adding people to the build farm is: how do we know that people aren't going 
>> to do malicious things, like insert virii or trojans into their Pd builds?  
>> This may sound paranoid, but I'd like people to be able to trust the 
>> Pd-extended downloads..  I'm definitely not saying that you are not 
>> trustworthy, I'm saying that I know very little about you.  I do see that 
>> you have been posting to the pd list since 2009, so that's something.
>> .hc
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "Free software means you control what your computer does. Non-free software 
>> means someone else controls that, and to some extent controls you." - 
>> Richard M. Stallman
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> Hi Hans-Christoph
> It is a very valid concern.
> My first argument would be : i am a terrible programmer :) even if i can 
> build something out of python or arduino now and then. I hate pointers, can't 
> wrap my head around.
> My second is : i need pd-ext to run on each "current" ubuntu 64. I'm a crazy 
> early adopter when it comes to ubuntu releases. I use pd whenever it seems to 
> fit in all my so-called artistic projects (im part of two artistic 
> collectives, now merged in one : http://faux-fuyants.fr and 
> http://collectif-ras.org). More importantly, I have learned a lot with pd 
> lately, so i always need another external (which i don't know if it's bad or 
> not). I'm playing a lot with dynamic patching and data structures. And 
> finally the features in 0.43.1 are very useful (mmmh... completion plugin... 
> </homer>).
> If you want i can set up a new user on my server and let you drive the build, 
> or set up anything that would ensure that the files weren't modified before 
> compilation (md5 ?).
> Anyway during the week end i'll try to set this up accordingly to András' 
> instructions. I will keep you posted about the results.
> Baptiste (my real first name ! the "n" in "batinste" is just there to replace 
> the mute "p" in "baptiste")

This all sounds like you'll be a valuable contributor, since I for one am 
generally an Ubuntu late adopter :-).  I think I'll try messing around with a 
script to validate the packages from your computer.  As more people contribute 
builds, this will come up again.  Having a 'pd' account would be useful too.  
If you really want to support Ubuntu-current, you could also have a debootstrap 
chroot in /var/chroot/precise, for example, and the build scripts will build 
using that chroot.  That's how the i386 builds of natty, oneiric, and precise 
are done.  Here's how:




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