
I have just tried to compile and load the latest version of PuREST JSON
in Windows. Compilation is no problem, and I have copied the resulting
files to %PROGRAM FILES%\pd\extra\purest_json\ including
libpurest_json.dll, but the loader cannot find this dll, see

Any idea, why this is the case? Do I need to copy this dll somewhere else?

Another issue I am currently working on:
Unicode in JSON, where json-c has a bug in the released version
(https://github.com/residuum/PuRestJson/issues/5). Instead of waiting
for json-c to be released with this bug fixed, I could change all
unicode characters to lowercase. Is there an easy way to do this,
basically replacing stuff like "\u00E7" with "\u00e7". Regex? (how in
C?) Seems like my high-level knowledge is not enough for that.

Thanks for your help,
"From the perspective of communication analysis, government is not
an instrument of law and order, but of law and disorder." (Gracchus
Gruad in: Robert Shea & Robert A. Wilson, The Golden Apple)

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