Looks like we'll eventually have to upgrade to the new SourceForge.
Anyone know anything about the new one "Allura"?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Pure Data Computer Music System and the New SourceForge
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2012 16:29:12 -0400
From: Rich Bowen <rbo...@sourceforge.net>
To: IOhannes m zmölnig <zmoel...@users.sf.net>, Hans-Christoph Steiner
<eighth...@users.sf.net>, Frank Barknecht <f...@users.sf.net>, Guenter
Geiger <ggei...@users.sf.net>, Miller Puckette
CC: Rich Bowen <rbo...@sourceforge.net>

Dear Pure Data Computer Music System project admin,

As one of our top projects, we want to be sure that you are aware of
what's coming in the near future. As you are no doubt aware by now,
SourceForge is upgrading our core development product from the "Classic"
forge to a new product, code-named "Allura". Allura is itself Open
Source, and is developed on SourceForge, at http://sf.net/p/allura/
Allura is also incubating at the Apache Software Foundation, to become
an ASF project. (http://incubator.apache.org/projects/allura.html)

Early next year, we hope to be 100% migrated off of the classic
platform. As a developer yourself, you understand that we want to
retire the legacy code base, so that we can spend less time in
maintenance, and more time moving forward.

We'd like for you to have the opportunity to upgrade on your own
schedule, rather than ours. You can read about the upgrade process at
https://sourceforge.net/p/upgrade/ and then press the 'Upgrade' button
next to your project name.

In our surveys of projects that have upgraded, 97% of respondants tell
us that the upgrade improved, or at least didn't change (12% said that),
their developer experience.

Please don't hesitate to email me with any questions or comments you
might have about the upgrade process.

Rich Bowen, for the SourceForge Community Team

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