----- Original Message -----

> From: IOhannes m zmoelnig <zmoel...@iem.at>
> To: pd-dev@iem.at
> Cc: 
> Sent: Monday, December 3, 2012 12:13 PM
> Subject: Re: [PD-dev] adding a built-in [change] object to the built-in GUI 
> objects
> Hash: SHA1
> On 2012-12-03 18:10, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
>>  It'd be even better to use a modern GUI toolkit that has simple
>>  tools to implement bleeding edge UX technology from the past 15
>>  years.  Stuff like hyperlinks. :)
> if hyperlinks is the criterion, then i don't see any problems with tcl/tk.

It's not a binary matter.  It's a question of whether I can describe a
hyperlink with the tools that tcl/tk provides and not have to spend the
same amount of time as I would in c to implement them.

Specifically-- tags in a tk canvas are per item while its
the opposite in tk text widget.  This isn't a difference between defaults for
widgets, but incompatibility between them.  It means in a canvas you can't
easily set Enter/Leave events for a region made up of multiple polygons
(which would require unmaintained tkzinc library), and alternately you can't
easily define hyperlink Enter/Leave bindings in a text widget without
ending up with accidental contiguous tag regions (two hyperlinks in a row,
or one hyperlink above another on the next line).

Wrt to the Browser2.0 plugin, the straightforward workaround of a proc that
defines a new tag name for each hyperlink would probably end up having
performance issues since that could potentially be 1000s of unique tags
per search.  My specific workaround isn't pretty and I can improve it some,
but it's still going to suffer from this problem.


> fgasdmr
> IOhannes
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