On Dec 18, 2012, at 3:24 PM, IOhannes m zmölnig wrote:

> On 12/18/2012 20:48, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>> On Dec 18, 2012, at 2:01 PM, IOhannes m zmölnig wrote:
>>> hi hans,
>>> so i did a number of tests, and of course found one case, where my solution 
>>> did not behave as it should :-)
>>> starting one pd and then one pd-gui, would result in having 2 instances 
>>> running (starting another pd-gui would correctly delegate to the last 
>>> pd-gui, but the 1st pd-gui would not delegate to the first pd)
>>> anyhow, the problem was not related to the less strict test, but due to 
>>> moving the test to before the singleton check.
>>> i have now corrected my code and ran a couple of codes and all seem to 
>>> behave correctly. (see attachment).
>>> all tests were run on debian wheezy/sid using xfce4 (xfwm4) with 8 virtual 
>>> desktops.
>> I remember that part of the code being a pain to get right thru all of the 
>> possibilities...  remember, Windows and probably even GNOME are going to 
>> behave differently from XFCE and probably each other in regards to 
>> double-click/open behavior.
> the good thing is, that i don't think i have to care about w32.
> all the code i'm touching is right now protected by "x11" (hence linux).
> i'll try to check gnome and kde.
>> I don't recall, but I imagine I had to do that to get Tk to respond 
>> correctly.
> so right now it does respond correctly on my testsystem.
> again, let's wait for gnome and kde tests.
>>> #2 unique singleton key
>>> i changed the singleton key from "PUREDATA" to the normalized scriptname 
>>> (same for PUREDATA_MANAGER) ... this was already mentioned in some 
>>> TODO-comments, but i wonder why it hasn't been done yet?
>>> i tested and it allows to have start two pd-guis from different locations 
>>> (e.g. /tmp/pd1/tcl/pd-gui.tcl and /tmp/Pd2/tcl/pd-gui.tcl) and they do not 
>>> interact with each other.
>>> this basically means that you can have pd-vanilla and PdX (since they will 
>>> have different paths to pd-gui.tcl) running at the same time and they won't 
>>> interfere with one another.
>>> i tested with pathnames with spaces in it, and couldn't find any problems 
>>> so far.
>> I haven't done it because that stuff works, and it'll take a lot of testing 
>> on all platforms, Windows especially, to confirm there aren't problems or 
>> regressions.
> again, the singleton code is only used on x11, so w32 shouldn't be a problem.
> i mainly implemented it because it said "TODO replace PUREDATA name with path 
> so this code is a singleton based on".
> but i'm not specifically attached to it.
> probably i'll split that into a separate patch.

>> Also, I'm not convinced that it makes sense to have install of Pd its own 
>> island based on its install path.  For example, on Mac OS X, if I have 
>> Pd-extended 0.42.5 running and 0.43 as the default app for .pd files, 
>> double-clicking a .pd file will go to the running 0.42.5 and not the default 
>> 0.43.  I'm not sure how this works on Windows, GNOME, etc. but Pd should 
>> behave the same.
> agreed.
> the question is, how should it behave on any platform - and later worry about 
> making it the same on all platforms. i'm not saying that this is an easy task 
> and should be tackled right now.
> but it would be good to have an idea what the actual target behaviour is like.
> apart from that:
> what happens if on w32 if i add "open with" associations for .pd files to 
> both PdX-0.42.5 and Pd-0.43.4 (so the user can choose which Pd they want to 
> open a given .pd file with): if PdX-0.42.5 is running and i choose "open 
> with...Pd-0.43.5", will it open with the correct Pd?

That sounds like the correct behavior in isolation, but I don't have a good 
sense of all the possibilities. It worked that way when I did one quick test of 
that using vanilla HEAD and Pd-extended 0.43.4. They use different "topic" 
names (Pure Data vs Pd extended) so that's probably why.

I have a vague recollection of Windows generally behaving that way, and not 
like Mac OS X, where it prefers the running version over any associations.


>>> #3 unique keys for dde
>>> i see that you use "Pure Data" as the topicname for the new w32 dde stuff.
>>> again, would it make sense to use the scriptname? or do you expect problems?
>> Basically the same answer as #2.
> yes. should behave the same.
>>> #4 catching "package require dde" errors?
>>> any reason why you don't conditionally import the "dde" package?
>>> giving the user a friendly error message ala "opening new abstractions in 
>>> running Pd's won't work: missing DDE package" is probably more 
>>> user-friendly than having a tcl-error popup.
>>> even though the w32 Pd-environment is quite controlled, the change would be 
>>> very simple and allow people to focus on real problems.
>> dde is part of the standard Tcl install.  It is not an 'add-on'.  So the 
>> error would be useful since it would highlight that the Tcl install is 
>> broken/incomplete.  Since both vanilla and extended include Tcl and dde (or 
>> Miller is working on it) I don't see any gain to making it conditional, only 
>> needless complication.
> i don't see any bonus on having to click away an error window instead of 
> having an error-notice in the pd-console (which i can choose to ignore or 
> not).
> but again, i'm not attached to that.
> fgmasdr
> IOhannes

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