Ok, installing command line tools did help, but didn't do the whole job. I
tried to install fink, and to be honest I'm not sure if everything went
well. I tried to install the zexy library again and now I get these errors:

./bootstrap.sh: line 3: aclocal: command not found (IOhannes recommended
fink for this one)

configure: error: m_pd.h is desperately needed!
        install pd and/or use
        "--with-pd=</path/to/pd/>"     or


./zexy.h:51:10: fatal error: 'm_pd.h' file not found

Any ideas on this one? After installing fink, what am I supposed to do? Or
are things supposed to run automatically?

On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 3:54 PM, Ed Kelly <morph_2...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> You need the "command line tools" for XCode. From the Apple website:
> "Xcode includes a new "Downloads" preference pane to install optional
> components such as command line tools, and previous iOS Simulators."
> ...so it seems gcc and make are "optional components" you can get from the
> "Downloads preference pane"
> I don't have the latest OS X or XCode so that's all I have for now,
> Ed
> Gemnotes-0.2: Live music notation for Pure Data, now with dynamics!
> http://sharktracks.co.uk/
>   ------------------------------
> *From:* Alexandros Drymonitis <adr...@gmail.com>
> *To:* IOhannes m zmoelnig <zmoel...@iem.at>
> *Cc:* pd...@iem.at; pd-dev <pd-dev@iem.at>
> *Sent:* Monday, 14 January 2013, 13:47
> *Subject:* Re: [PD-ot] Xcode and some commands
> Just checked the Contents of Xcode, and there's a make executable there,
> is this a compiler that could do the job? If so, what's the syntax for
> adding this path in order to install the zexy library?
> Also, I'm reading about fink, and trying to follow some guidelines for
> installation. I have a question, is the /Applications directory the right
> one for Xcode? Or should it go somewhere in the /Developer directory? Where
> exactly?
> On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 3:16 PM, IOhannes m zmoelnig <zmoel...@iem.at>wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 2013-01-14 12:50, Alexandros Drymonitis wrote:
> > Hi all,
> hi.
> this is probably best targetted at pd-dev (pd-list), but anyhow...
> > I'm trying to install some externals in Pd vanilla. Till now I've
> > managed to install the Gem library. But now I'm trying to install
> > zexy, but opening Pd with the '-lib zexy' flag from the command
> > line is not enough. Trying to follow the installation guidelines of
> > the library, I'm facing some problems. Trying to run
> > './bootstrap.sh; ./configure; make' I get the following errors:
> > ./bootstrap.sh: line 3: aclocal: command not found checking for
> > gcc... no checking for cc... no checking for cl.exe... no
> > configure: error: in
> > `/Applications/Pd-0.44-0.app/Contents/Resources/extra/zexy-2.2.4/src':
> >
> >
> configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH
> > See `config.log' for more details -bash: make: command not found
> >
> > I have Xcode, version 4.5.2 installed in my /Applications directory
> > (I've been told in the past I need to have developer tools in order
> > to be able to run some commands), but that won't do the job..maybe
> > it's quite obvious, but my knowledge on this is extremely limited.
> > Any ideas? Obviously I have OS X. My version is 10.8.2, upgraded
> > since I have quite an old laptop.
> i cannot help you in detail (some other devs might be more osx-savy,
> though), but i will try to give some generic hints.
> it seems like your system cannot find a number of needed things, namely
> - - a valid compiler (gcc)
> - - a valid "make"
> - - working autotools (e.g. aclocal)
> at least the former two should be installed when you have XCode
> properly installed. either you missed something when installing (e.g.
> only copied XCode app, but forgot to run the "installer"), or you have
> to add some paths to your PATH variable.
> try locating the "make" binary (e.g. `find / -name make`) and add that
> path to your PATH.
> autotools used to come with xcode, but it seems that they are not
> shipping it any longer (confirm [1]).
> you might have luck using a package-manager like "fink".
> fgasdrm
> IOhannes
> [1]
> http://jsdelfino.blogspot.co.at/2012/08/autoconf-and-automake-on-mac-os-x.html
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> =BZPs
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