I say remove that bit entirely and let the GUI handle figuring out where the
window should go.  Pd should just relay the unadulterated values from the Pd
patch.  Only the GUI can figure this out, especially considering all of the
variations of window managers and platforms.  These days Tk will handle a lot
of this stuff for you.


On 02/01/2013 03:50 PM, Miller Puckette wrote:
> Found it... firther down in g_canvas.c:
>     if (yloc < GLIST_DEFCANVASYLOC)
>         yloc = GLIST_DEFCANVASYLOC;
>     if (xloc < 0)
>         xloc = 0;
> I'm not sure what the correct foolproofing should be (or indeed if it's a good
> idea to have foolproofing there at all).  But anyhow removing those lines will
> make it possible for patches to restore themselves wherever they were saved
> from.
> cheers
> Miller
> On Fri, Feb 01, 2013 at 09:10:23PM +0100, Roman Haefeli wrote:
>> On Fre, 2013-02-01 at 11:05 -0800, Miller Puckette wrote:
>>> On Macintoshes, if you ask for a window to open at Y location 0 the window
>>> decorations end up above teh top of teh screen and you can never move the
>>> window.
>> I should have given more context:
>>  #ifdef __APPLE__
>>  #else
>>  #endif
>> So it seems that particular change does not affect Mac OS X. Thus I
>> assume that reverting it wouldn't change the behavior on Macs either.
>>> but anyhow I don't understand why the saved patch location gets overridden
>>> by the default - I thought the default was only in effect when you made a
>>> "new" canvas, not when you restored a saved one.  Something else must be 
>>> going
>>> wrong.
>> Sorry for not being of any help here.
>> Roman
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