hi padawan, 

it seems that i missed your original post, sorry for the late answer...

On Mon, 2006-11-13 at 14:17 +0000, Claude Heiland-Allen wrote:
> padawan12 wrote:
> > Is there a net-pd howto or something?
> Yeah, there's simple examples in the netpd distribution, it's quite easy.
> > How does net-pd handle time/synchronous
> > alignment and that sort of thing? 

actually, it is not garantueed that all clients are in sync. netpd just
tries to make sure, that:

a) all clients have the same patches open (even the same version)
b) all instances of every patch always have the same state

theoretically, that should garantuee that every client hears exactly the
same. practically, there is a shift in time sometimes due to that fact,
that dsp stops, when loading heavy patches or the buffer of [netclient]
is full (e.g. when somebody requests a dump from you). yet, all
timebased patches (e.g. sequencers) get the clock from the
master.pd-patch. every instance of master.pd runs on its own, but with
the same settings (e.g. bpm). when someone hits 'start', all masters
start to run (with the lag of the network, of course), but there is no
mechanism (yet), that guarantuess that all stay in sync.

> > How do you record them? Does each machine
> > run all the synths (replicated version of one
> > setup)
> Yes.  So each machine hears (hopefully) the same sounds, without needing
> huge amounts of bandwidth for streaming audio and the associated delays
> etc.  And it also means that each connected machine's user can access
> all the controls of the whole setup.

exactly. it is just like mididata is sent over the net. that implies,
that only generative 'instruments' can be used, but no samplers (there
is no implementation to share audiosamples over netpd yet). also,  if
two or more people are in the same room, only one of them needs to
switch dsp on, nevertheless the others still can interact. 

i hope, some points are more clear now and i would really enjoy if some
of your amazing patches get ported to netpd.


> > best,
> > 
> > Andy
> Claude
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