On Dec 15, 2006, at 5:44 PM, Frank Barknecht wrote:

Hans-Christoph Steiner hat gesagt: // Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

From what I gather you are looking for, a libdir is almost ready for
that.  AFAIK, the only missing piece is a mechanism to open a libdir
like a patch.  I think this could be done in the mybundle-meta.pd
file.  If Pd loaded that file when it opens a libdir, then you could
add a tiny bit of code into it to load any other patch you might
want.  Something like:

[; pd open mypatch.pd(

Actually I think opening isn't such a problem, saving as bundle
however is. If I have lots of abstractions in different (lib)dirs,
then currently I'd need to search then by hand.

I get it, so it would be like a "Save As Bundle.." option in the File menu which would then save everything needed to make it work into one bundle. One tricky thing would be determining which should be included. In the context of Pd-extended, should this save abstractions that come with Pd-extended into the bundle? Or just ones external to Pd-extended?

That could get into issues with versioning. I suppose this could be viewed as the "compiled app" for Pd. So it would include all objects in the Bundle, including binary files (.dll, .pd_*). Then it new versions of any of the dependencies wouldn't break patch in the bundle, since the bundle would have all the static versions. It would basically be like static linking for a Pd patch.

I am a big fan of the way that you have done it, Frank, using only
existing objects.  I think to make the whole thing complete, there
should be a set of GOP GUI objects with your state saving stuff
inside.  Then people just use those GOP objects if they want state-

Chris McCormick's collection has some of these. (I also have but they
aren't published yet because I'm lazy...)

That would be a very useful library to have, poke poke. :)



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