On Sat, 13 Jan 2007 17:05:03 +0100
Jerome Tuncer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> attack times 
> for instance are usually located in the 5-200 ms range whereas the kind 
> of amplitude modulation I'd like to have with such a feature 
> (multi-point sustain looping) are more in the 0.5-2Hz (500-2000ms) range 
> (my primary interest in this case being rather to create a smooth 
> amplitude modulation than a "ring-modulation like" effect).
> So in the case of creating a envelope GUI (let's call it envelope and 
> even break point envelope rather than AnDnSR (-:) this is something I 
> would consider: the ability to draw some parts of the envelope in one 
> time range and some other in other parts. Typically A and D in the 
> 1-1000ms range then (multi-)S and R in the 500-2000ms (in my current case).
> Just exposing my thoughts and ideas. But if you implement such a thing, 
> I'd definitely use it (-;

Agree, I forget where I saw it but remember a synth that had (x2 x8 x32 x128)
modifiers for each envelope stage. Otherwise the visual range/resolution of
at least one stage is suboptimal in a typical envelope.

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