> You're right, it definitely shouldn't be that bad.  Have you tried
> this same test on different platforms, or with different versions of
> Tcl/Tk?  (I am guessing you are on Windows, which I don't use).  I

Nope. I am on a Linux box (not literally at this very moment, but I use PD
exclusively on Linux). I did try this on 2 different machines with same
results. Although both of them were AMD cpus (3000+ laptop and a 4800+
desktop, nicely loaded in terms of RAM etc.), since your test below was on a
totally different architecture, my hunch is that this has nothing to do with
cpu choice. The two also used two different distros.

> just tried on my G4 800 with Tcl/Tk 8.4.15-cvs.  I get about 50%
> usage from one num2 at 24 point at 100hz.

Is this with antialiased fonts? Either way, what we have so far suggests
that the tcl/tk is a real hog. With GriPD being apparently abandonware,
should one simply use Gem to display data that calls for refreshes faster
than 10Hz? To me this idea sounds like an overkill...


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