Oh, there it is!  you're running in 64 bits... this bug didn't get fixed
till somewhere in the 0.41 "prerelease".  My bad...


On Wed, Feb 21, 2007 at 05:03:49PM -0500, David F. Place wrote:
> On Feb 21, 2007, at 2:06 PM, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
> > - your x-bounds seem to be wrong: you have 12 values, with x- 
> > coordinates
> > 0..11; therefore the x-bounds should be 0..11 too, instead of 0..12
> > (which will give you another "empty" slot; probably this is what you
> > mean by "not getting updated")
> On OS X when I View List of pcToPy0 I see the correct table:
> 0)  241.778
> 1)  258.188
> 2)  272
> 3)  286.551
> 4)  306
> 5)  322.37
> 6)  344.25
> 7)  362.667
> 8)  387.281
> 9)  408
> 10)  429.827
> 11)  459
> Under linux (now upgraded to Pd 0.40.1) I see the following.  Note  
> that the values are stored in a slot corresponding to 2*i.
> (0->0,1->2,2->4,3->6, etc....)
> 0)  241.778
> 1)  272
> 2)  306
> 3)  344.25
> 4)  387.281
> 5)  429.827
> 6)  0
> 7)  0
> 8)  0
> 9)  0
> 10)  0
> 11)  0
> Obviously, I don't care a hoot about the Tk display of the graph.    
> Sorry I didn't give this level of detail right off the bat.
> --o-------o-o-o---o-o-o---
> David F. Place
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