Stephen Sinclair hat gesagt: // Stephen Sinclair wrote:

> Thanks for all the replies on this topic.
> I'll try compiling the old verison, or I might just do some hacking
> myself, at least on the STK objects I need.

STK also is available through some ggee externals in
CVSROOT/externals/ggee/experimental and there also are some
flext-versions floating around, maybe check the archives. 

Contrary to Percolate, STK is properly licensed as free software.  I
guess, the guys that wrote Percolate also intended to give it an open
license, however the current license isn't good enough. It's similar
to the issue we had with Csound some years ago. At least that made me
abandon Csound and discover Pd. ;) 

 Frank Barknecht                 _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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