> You know, at least on OS X, stk doesn't have a way to install itself
> so I had to guess which files were generated/needed (install.sh is
> blank).  I ended up copying the .a files (these were generated when I
> followed the instructions to build "a library of objects" by running
> make from stk's source dir) to my /usr/local/lib/stk folder and the .h
> files to /usr/local/include folder.  I'm pretty sure this is right but
> maybe I am missing something else here.  Anyway both of those should
> be in my path, I was getting different errors when they weren't.
> We're going to drive you crazy over software you didn't write, Ico! :)

Impossible to drive an already crazy man crazy ;-)

I think your problem is that your .a files should *not* go into a subfolder
but directly into the /usr/local/lib folder.

Now that I also thought more about it, I think you do need to compile flext
against stk, or otherwise munger1~ won't compile since it references flstk.h
not Stk.h in its source.

Either way, aforesaid solution should fix this.

BTW, if anyone builds a binary for Win/PD, Mac/PD, or MacPPC/Max, please
forward them to me so that I can include them in the distribution.

Best wishes,


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