I use Visual C++ Express Edition because it's free...Cygwin won't work, 
MinGW does. I'm still not sure if MinGW and MS compiled binaries are 
compatible (as in does a VCC dll work with a MinGW pd? VCC needs a 
pd.lib at link time but AFAIK MinGW can use pd.exe at runtime). I 
usually compile externals against Miller's latest version of pd from his 
For Visual C++ I make an empty project to build a dll, for the compiler 
include the path to pd/src and define MSW. For the linker include the 
path to pd/bin and add pd.lib as a dependency. In the linker command 
line add "/export:sqosc~_setup". Then take the dll and put it in 
pd/extra. The help file goes in pd/doc/5.reference. That seems to be all 
that's necessary.


David Powers wrote:
> Workshop went well. I used VST's though, except for additive and wavetable ...
> But ... how hard is it to compile for winxp? I will try tomorrow if
> it's possible... I've got visual C++, and cygwin...
> ~D
> On 3/14/07, Martin Peach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Did anyone try sqosc~ yet? I'm interested to get feedback on that one.
>> http://pure-data.cvs.sourceforge.net/pure-data/externals/mrpeach/sqosc~/
>> Martin
>> David Powers wrote:
>>> Hi Roman, I get the following error from your patch, for many of the tables:
>>> error: 1002-square33: number of points (512) not a power of 2 plus three
>>> Along with this error, it seems to stop playing somewhere above 360 Hz...
>>> Thanks for your help, I'm sorry to sound grumpy, it's just that in
>>> searching the archives mostly all I found was my old query for a year
>>> ago. Plus everyone says to use [blosc~] but I posted in my first post,
>>> that [blosc~] is broken, and I believe that it's known, ie here is
>>> says:
>>> http://blog.soundsorange.net/index.php/archives/2006/09/28/exploring-pd-extended/
>>> "exploring pd extended
>>> 27/9/2006
>>> CPU load rating
>>> blosc~ - intriguing band limited oscillators, but patch is self
>>> referential and not working"
>>> Again, a reminder that this isn't really for me, but rather, it's the
>>> list members chance to sell other people on PD being useful, or not,
>>> to the outside world. [vst~] is working great so I can demonstrate
>>> subtractive synthesis with VST's within pure data, but that's
>>> suggesting to people that PD isn't really good for  traditional
>>> synthesis... So if you think PD is good for synthesis, let me know
>>> about it!!!
>>> ***Note: I personally don't use PD with Gem for VJing, and to make
>>> weird generative MIDI sequences, mostly... I never really considered
>>> synthesis a strong point for PD, for reasons that should now be
>>> obvious.
>>> ~David
>>> On 3/14/07, Roman Haefeli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> hello again
>>>> i improved guenter's bandlimited square a bit. i noticed that it is
>>>> hardcoded to 48kHz and accidently i was running pd at 48kHz, that's why
>>>> it sounded quite good here. however, how far i can see it, the part,
>>>> that selects the appropriate table, is not working as it should. i
>>>> couldn't completely follow, how it works, but it seems to switch only
>>>> correct from tab1 to tab2. for other tabs it switches at too high
>>>> frequencies, which might introduce a bit aliasing.
>>>> in my version the tables are generated on loadbang, which makes the file
>>>> much smaller and easier to adapt for other waveforms. the tabselector is
>>>> now dependent on the sampling rate, so it should sound well at different
>>>> rates now.  in order to provide the full spectrum even in low
>>>> frequencies, i added a raw square generator. below a certain frequency,
>>>> the oscillator switches to the raw square version, so that it should
>>>> sound good at arbitrary low frequencies. the number of tables generated
>>>> on loadbang can be changed. a bigger value lowers the frequency, at
>>>> which the oscillator switches to the raw version and vice versa.
>>>> i hope you'll have fun with it.
>>>> roman
>>>> On Wed, 2007-03-14 at 04:46 -0600, David Powers wrote:
>>>>> I found those, but are they really band-limited? I'm fairly sure I
>>>>> hear ugly digital artifacts in the saw. The square appears to be
>>>>> broken, unless I made a mistake cutting and pasting those 1500 lines
>>>>> of code into my text editor (kinda hard to tell).
>>>>> It's 5 30 am here and I've not slept yet :-(
>>>>> I can't believe there's STILL no readily available
>>>>> external/abstraction for such a common synthesis task, I just want a
>>>>> "nice sounding" example that will compare with the VST's which I will
>>>>> be hosting from within PD; right now "ASynth" sounds about 100x better
>>>>> than anything made in PD itself ...
>>>>> Oh and I don't see any "J" example PD patches, my PD patches don't go
>>>>> that high.
>>>>>  ~David
>>>>> On 3/14/07, Roman Haefeli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>> hello david
>>>>>> i found examples for a bandlimited saw and bandlimited square by g.
>>>>>> geiger in the archives. might this is what you are looking for.
>>>>>> http://lists.puredata.info/pipermail/pd-list/2006-05/038681.html
>>>>>> cheers
>>>>>> roman
>>>>>> On Wed, 2007-03-14 at 03:05 -0600, David Powers wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>>>>> I tried google and it was no help, and the server for the list archive
>>>>>>> seems to be down temporarily.
>>>>>>> Anyway, I'm giving a free (as in free beer) workshop in Chicago in
>>>>>>> about 16 hours, on the basics of digital synthesis. I have decided to
>>>>>>> use Pure Data to give my presentation, and use mostly non-commercial
>>>>>>> software.
>>>>>>> However, I'm still missing the following for demonstrating "proper"
>>>>>>> subtractive synthesis:
>>>>>>> 1. Good, out of the box "analog-sounding" filters. I'm using [moog~]
>>>>>>> right now, but I'm not all that satisfied with the sound compared to
>>>>>>> the filters in my favorite VST's ...
>>>>>>> 2. Band-limited square and sawtooth waveforms.
>>>>>>> For teaching purposes PD is great, and ideal for my demonstrations.
>>>>>>> But as it is, I'm having to use VST's within PD in order to
>>>>>>> demonstrate a "nice sounding" synth. It would be nice to show that PD
>>>>>>> can do it without using stuff built in Steinberg's format. That would
>>>>>>> also let the Mac people replicate my work, if they are interested.
>>>>>>> Note, nobody in the workshop has ever tried Linux, except me, so Linux
>>>>>>> plugins are not helpful in this case.
>>>>>>> I will post my patches after I give the workshop, though they are
>>>>>>> nothing fancy ... just basic:
>>>>>>> sequencer - oscillator - vca - filter. Good for demoing though, I'm
>>>>>>> starting with additive first, then subtractive.
>>>>>>> ~David
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