i forgot to mention:
these abstraction are made in plain pd, but require pd>=40, since they
make use of the settable [send].


On Sun, 2007-03-18 at 02:07 +0100, Roman Haefeli wrote:
> hello everyone
> while this topic is coming up again from time to time, i made a little
> set of abstractions, that generate bandlimited standard waveforms using
> table look-up. they work at any samplingrate and the tables are created
> dynamically. also, they switch to the raw waveforms for low frequencies
> in order to keep the full spectrum of the waveform without the need to
> create an enormous number of tables. as for now, there are three
> waveforms available: saw, square (unofortunately no pwm possible) and
> triangle. they shouldn't be much more expensive than the corresponding
> non-bandlimited methods of generating the waveforms. when working in the
> bandlimited range, they are even cheaper (if i am not totally mistaken;
> in that range only a [phasor~] and a [tabosc4~] per voice are running
> dsp-objects).
> the set consists of:
> blsaw~                generates a bandlimited saw
> blsquare~             generates a bandlimited square
> bltriangle~           generates a bandlimited triangle
> blsaw_tables          generates n tables containing 1 to n harmonics of 
>                       the saw-waveform
> blsquare_tables       generates n tables containing 1 to (2n-1)
>                       harmonics of the square-waveform
> blsquare_triangle     generates n tables containing 1 to (2n-1)
>                       harmonics of the triangle-waveform
> see the help-files for a more detailed description.
> download at:
> http://romanhaefeli.net/software/pd/bandlimited_oscillators.tar.gz
> cheers
> roman
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