eNTERFACE07 : workshop in biologically controlled audio-visual synthesis

Dear Colleagues,

This summer, the third eNTERFACE'07 summer workshop in multimodal 
human-computer interfaces will take place from July 16th-August 10th on 
the campus of Bogazici (Bosporus) University in Istanbul.

The eNTERFACE summer workshops aim at establishing a tradition of 
collaborative, localized research and development by gathering together 
academics, researchers, and students - for a period of one month - to work 
on specific challenges relating to multimodal interfaces.

For more information, please take a look at the web site:

One of the projects this year proposes to continue previous research into 
the use of physiological signals (EEG, EMG, ECG etc.) to control digital 
sound and image synthesis processes.

We plan to expand upon previous work into "Biologically-Driven Musical 
Instruments" by further investigating the - medical, scientific and 
aesthetic - uses of Brain-Computer Interfaces and other modes of 
biological control over computing machinery.

For more detailed information on this project, please see the following:

This workshop is funded by the European Union's SIMILAR 
(http://www.similar.cc/) Network of Excellence and participants only have 
to pay airfare and lodging costs, for which some grants may be available. 
Please indicate in your application if you wish to be considered for this 
additional funding.

To submit an application for consideration, please send your CV and a 
short statement of interest which mentions your motivation for 
participating and the skills which you can bring to the project. 
Applications should be sent ASAP to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and 

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