Definetly crazy enough to become something ingenious ,-)

Sweet dreams ;-)

Am 06.05.2007 um 20:10 schrieb Chris McCormick:

> Hi List,
> I realised I will not be able to sleep until I send this idea to the
> list, so here goes:
> Let's play a composition game. The game is based upon the Surrealist
> "exquisite corpse" method
> <> and it works like  
> this:
> 1. Everyone who wants to play will reply to this message off-list. You
> will be required to make a Puredata composition around 30 seconds  
> long,
> and you will have to do so within 3 days at some point in the next few
> weeks. If you can commit to this then go ahead and reply to me.
> 2. When it is your turn, you will receive a patch with two  
> subpatches in
> it, and the name and email address of the person following you. The  
> left
> hand subpatch will contain the person before you's work. The right  
> hand
> subpatch will be empty. Each work/subpatch is triggered with a bang,
> and outputs a bang when it is finished. The composition must work
> in pure-puredata (Miller's) to ensure that it will work the same for
> everyone involved on all OSes etc. Your mission is to create a work in
> the right hand subpatch that goes together with the person preceding
> you (e.g. both will have their trigger bang hit at the same time so
> they should work together in some way). Whatever style of music and
> Pd mechanisms you choose are up to you, as long as your work does not
> depend upon any variables from the preceding patch (counters, etc)  
> since
> the person after you won't have access to that patch. Once you're  
> done,
> you mail it to the next person in the list with your own subpatch  
> moved
> from the right hand side to the left hand side, and the next person  
> does
> the same thing.
> 3. At the end everyone will mail me their subpatch and we will  
> string all
> of the pieces together, overlapping so that each piece is played  
> twice -
> once together with the piece before, and once with the piece after,  
> and
> we'll post it back to the pd-list for everyone to hear. Should be fun
> and hopefully sound interesting!
> Ok, now I can go to sleep. :)
> Best,
> Chris.
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