Can you tell me where I can read up on netsend.  I have tried to follow your 
code but I still get a 
compile error.  I tried this:
#include "u_pdsend.h"
char*       host = "localhost";
int         port = 8779;
char*       protocol = "tcp";
char        str[1024];
Then I use pdsend_init(host, port, protocol); then I use it the way you do by:
sprintf(str,"%d (%d,%d)", i, iMeanx, iMeany);
but I get  this compile error:
/usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
pdsend_init(char*, int, char*)
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Anyway I have been looking for instructions online without success. If you can 
point the way to a 
webpage that would be great.

> From: Mike Wozniewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2007/05/29 Tue PM 04:55:35 EDT
> CC: pd-list@iem.at
> Subject: Re: [PD] opencv motion tracker external HELP!
> Hi Alain,
> I've used the OpenCV blobtracker with Pd before, and I simply send blob 
> positions and sizes over UDP using u_pdsend.c
> I've attached my code and makefile... look in blobtrack.c and search for 
> where I use the pdsend_init() and pdsend_message() functions... it's 
> pretty simple.
> Then you just use [netreceive] in Pd and parse the list as you deem 
> necessary.
> Hope this helps,
> -Mike
> P.S. my blobtracker code is meant for use with a live camera, not with 
> .avi files.

Attachment: blobTracker.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Attachment: replyAll
Description: null

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