On Mon, 2007-06-04 at 22:04 +0200, Matteo Sisti Sette wrote:
> Hi,
> I always thought that in PD, "process" (i.e. dsp and control processing) had 
> the priority over GUI rendering, in such a way that drawing the gui would 
> NEVER cause audio clicks although this means there's no warranty about how 
> much gui rendering may be delayed.

> Do you know of any workarounds?
> Do you know if this is Windows-specific?

no, i don't know of any workarounds.
no, this is not windows specific. 

there are other issues as well, which cause drop outs, that might be

- reading/saving files to/from disk
- dynamic object creation
- full buffer of [netsend]

(maybe there are some more)

all this issues cannot be 'worked around' within pd, which makes pd
sometimes not very suitable for presenting/live situations. netpd
suffers heavily from all the issues above (including the one you
i do believe, that some of them could be solved (e.g. for [netsend] it
would be already enough to provide an additional outlet, that sends a
bang, whenever its buffer is emptied). others might be not that easy to
i think, it would be great and mean a big step for pd, if this issues
could be addressed. 


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