marius schebella hat gesagt: // marius schebella wrote:

> Frank Barknecht wrote:
>  > Just a note: Many people all over the world are using Pd in live
>  > performances, which proves that it is a suitable tool for this.
> not really, it just proves, that some people know how to handle the 
> problems, be it knowing about the limitations or just not caring about 
> dropouts.

Which doesn't contradict my statement that Pd is a suitable tool for
live performances, otherwise these people in the know would use
something else. (Pd also is a programming language, so part of the
suitability for certain tasks depends on the quality of the programs

My point is: We shouldn't make Pd worse than it actually is. Apart
from Supercollider (and somehow Csound) there is not a single piece of
free software in its realm that managed to be the tool of choice for
so many people for such a long time now. Pd throughout its 10-year
history and with every major revision always was a usable tool for
live performances (probably also thanks to Miller's conservatism when
it comes to doing deep changes to the software). It's much more than
just a prototyping tool, it always was a tool for practioneers.

 Frank Barknecht                 _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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