On Jun 13, 2007, at 4:10 AM, Enrique Erne wrote:

> hello hans
> On Jun 13, 2007, at 3:46 AM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>>> on one hand i would like to see netpd included in pd-extended,  
>>> but not
>>> on cost of the current package. it is important that netpd and all
>>> patches work on linux, osx and windows.
>>> if people start to write netpd patches with pd-extended and use many
>>> externals i'm afraid we are going to have instrument that work on
>>> one os and maybe not on the other. netpd would also be a great
>>> system to find os-specific bugs :-)
>> This right here outlines the main purpose of Pd-extended: to  
>> provide a tested and reliable package that works the same on all  
>> OSes.  Basically, I think you should pick one platform for netpd,  
>> and make sure everything works smoothly on that one.  Then worry  
>> about the rest.
> picking one platform for netpd is not possible. i doubt roman will  
> change to osx ;-), people have been developing under all OS. for me  
> there is no current pd-extended on osx 10.3.9 (right now i can't  
> change to 10.4 or linux)

Sorry, I should have used a different word.  By "platform", I mean pd- 
vanilla, pd-extended, desiredata, pd-devel, jmax, whatever.  I did  
not mean choose an OS.  For things not supported on that platform  
would have to be taken care of by the patch authors.

>> Alex Quessy and I tried to run the latest version on netpd working  
>> for a network jam last Sunday, we both failed.  He got further  
>> than me, he got some sounds out, but neither got it all working.
> what didn't work? that day i saw you guys in the log file.. you  
> managed to login to netpd. unfortunately nobody was there to help  
> you and upload the right patches.
> downloading all the instruments form the wiki is not ideal to start  
> with netpd.
> you need at least 3 patches to get a sound: master.pd, qseq2.pd and  
> a drummachine. things like that are not documented anywhere.

A bunch of things, missing objects, crashes, trouble uploading  
patches.  I could only get patches to work when Alex uploaded them  
from his GNU/Linux machine.  I gave up when I got things running, but  
no instruments would show up to select in the qsec2 scroll bars.  I  
could tweak the sequences that Alex had made.

>>  Both of us know quite a bit about Pd, so I am amazed that newbies  
>> get it going (do they?).
> well they should easily manage to connect and then usually somebody  
> gives a little intro to the netpd jungle.
> at the moment only newbies on windows have a double clickable netpd  
> package. the package on osx is currently not working because of  
> 10.3/10.4/ppc/intel + externals . there never was a linux package  
> so far.
>> It would very nice if it was just plug and play.  It would not be  
>> that hard to do it.  I think you could spend a day on it and have  
>> it working smoothly.  It would be very worthwhile, but I think you  
>> have already spent far more time trying to help people get it  
>> going than it would take to fix things.
> that's true. what do you suggest? what technology would be  
> required? i think getdir would solve the whole path issue. does  
> getdir work without [import]?

You can load getdir like this: [ggee/getdir].  But this is what I  
mean by choose a platform.  Pd-extended provides getdir in the same  
place on all platforms.  If you used pd-vanilla, you would then need  
to bundle getdir for each platform, and so on and so forth.

> since we netload patches with openpanel it would be better to have  
> the netpd directory not inside the .app , but it would be indise  
> the .app if it is in the cvs right?

I think it should not be too hard to make netpd double-clickable with  
no extra setup at all (setting .pdrc, etc.) without embedding it into  
it's own Pd install.  The key is just trying it on other people's  
machines, and finding the common access methods that work across OSes.


> regards
> eni


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