On Jun 17, 2007, at 8:36 AM, Frank Barknecht wrote:

> Hallo,
> Roman Haefeli hat gesagt: // Roman Haefeli wrote:
>>> Then [import iemlib], [declare -lib iemlib] or so is better. This
>>> would give an error, if import isn't available, but at least the
>>> abstraction would still work, if someone loads iemlib as a library.
>> no, because in pd-extended the iemlib-objects are directly in / 
>> extra and
>> the abstractions are in extra/iemlib, whereas in a common iemlib
>> installation, some objects are in iemlib1 external, others in the
>> iemlib2  external and the abstractions are in a folder called  
>> 'iemabs'.
> Yes, but that's why I said, that depending on installation, the object
> with the name [bp2~] may also be available under different aliases
> like [iemlib/bp2~], [iemabs/bp2~] or [myfavouriteabstractions/bp2~].
> The canonical name for this object however as it's defined in the
> iemlib installation instructions for many years, is just [bp2~] and
> that will work on any system, if the path to that abstraction is set
> accordingly by whatever means currently are hot, be it .pdrc,
> .pdsettings, "File->Path", [import iemlib], [declare -path ...] or
> [declare -stdpath ...] (when the "declare path in abstractions" bug is
> fixed).
>> no: loading the library or the libdir is not necessary in pd- 
>> extended,
>> because [filter~] is directly in the extra folder.
> It is? Pd-extended continues to surprise/confuse me sometimes ... How
> is it decided what is directly in extra and what not?

There is lots of ugliness because there is often little agreement as  
to how to organize Pd code.  We have just gotten to the point where  
it seems everyone agrees to name their files after their objects  
(e.g. [filter~] == filter~.c, rather than sigfilter.c).  That helps  
eliminate some ugliness.

The grand plan is to have nothing directly in "extra".  But there are  
also still many quick hacks to get things working, so there is stuff  
directly in "extra", and weird things like "flatspace".

If this was my full time job, this kind of stuff would not happen.   
But alas, it's what I do after hours, for the most part.


> Ciao
> -- 
>  Frank Barknecht                 _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__
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