On Wed, 2007-06-20 at 12:53 +0200, Enrique Erne wrote:

> i have used Franks list-abs a lot but i can't use it as abstraction in
> netpd since 1) list-abs is no dependency of plain netpd. 2) list-abs
> of corse come without version tags, then they would be treated as if 
> they
> had a [version 0.0.0( tag.
> but if a bug gets fixed this abstraction wouldn't get updated in netpd.
> don't see an other way than adapt it and use it in a subpatch.

you still can use them in netpd, but you need to 'port' them, which
unfortunately introduces some additional work (basically adding
version-tags). since netpd can handle recursive abslist, i thought about
creating a dummy abstraction 'list-abs', that just contains an abslist
with all list-abs in itself. then netpd-patch-develors would just have
to mention 'list-abs' in abslist of the patch. though, i didn't find
time to do that yet, and i am not so sure about if this is a good thing
to do. whenever a change to list-abs is made, this change needs to be
ported to netpd's list-abs. otoh, anyone could do that job at anytime
withouth getting conflicts, as long the version numbers are handled with


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