i think your totally right... too bad.

On Jun 22, 2007, at 6:54 PM, Roman Haefeli wrote:

> the problem with timer is, that it only sends an output, when banged.
> you could bang it with some insane rate using a [metro 1000] and
> according to the measured (real)time, you send a bang or not.
> this approach would *might* work, but it has several disadvantages, if 
> i
> do understand the underlying architecture of pd correctly. first, you
> cannot be sure, that each desired time will be triggered. lets assume
> you want to schedule the next 'bang' to 43s297ms, but the output of
> [timer] maybe is '43 296', '43 296', '43 298'. in that case '43 297'
> won't be hit at all.
> then i think, that this approach wouldn't be accurate at all, since
> there is no logical time involved. the advantage of logical time is,
> that it doesn't matter at all, when the [metro] object is processed by
> pd, the output of it will be accurate (as long there are no dropouts).
> with a purely realtime based solution, you'll never know, when exactly
> the object, that does the time measuring, is processed. the time, when
> [timer] receives your bang is not exactly defined and can happen
> anywhere between now and the amount of your buffersize later.
> correct me, if i am wrong, but as i understand pd, there will be no
> accurate realtime based solution.
> roman
> On Fri, 2007-06-22 at 17:56 +0200, Enrique Erne wrote:
>> hi
>> has anybody built a dropout save metro ... say if pd freezes for a
>> while and comes back that the metro would still be in sync with the
>> 'outside' world. that would be very nice in a life situation.
>> some ideas ? do you think it can be done in plain pd?
>> i failed when i tried to measure the periods between the 'ticks' and
>> calculated the new delay time.
>> i just discovered [time] from zexy which is the system time....
>> ... has anyone yet built a metro with [time] ? :)
>> eni
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