Marko Timlin hat gesagt: // Marko Timlin wrote:

> I am workin with Pd version 0.39.2-extended-rc3 under Windows XP and
> I cannot find the [mtx_phon_curve] in Iemmatrix object you metioned.
> how (where) can I find that? and how does it work?

I don't know where or if it is in pd-extended, but in the Pd-CVS it's
in the directory: CVS/externals/iem/iemmatrix/abs/mtx_phon_curve.pd
It's an abstraction, so I attached it as well.

 Frank Barknecht                 _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__

Attachment: mtx_phon_curve.pd
Description: application/puredata

Attachment: mtx_phon_curve-help.pd
Description: application/puredata

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