Hi all, Thomas,

Thank you all for your feedback and participation, we had a great time and
I miss having so much to see + learn everyday (and night).

I think there is a lot of merit in suggestions of using pd (or other open
source tools) to facilitate the communications between us.  We had some
discussions on how to better use existing tools for online communication
(documentation, workshops, etc). We can count on a very friendly network
of individuals, user groups and centres that could support smaller
But the combination of performances, exhibitions and talks + all the
exchanges that proceed from them make an actual large pd-convention
difficult to replace in my view.

A couple questions I had relates to timing : how often and what is the
best time of the year to hold a convention?

Conventions have a motivating effect and foster understanding and cohesion
(one hopes).  Three years is a long span and every year would be too
taxing I believe.

It's difficult to accommodate everyone's schedules and we chose the end of
August partly because we knew a number of people who teach or study could
travel then. It also meant that a lot of the spaces we needed were
available (thanks to the centres!). However, it could have been easier to
involve students if the semester had started.

Finally, other nice recurring events like Piksel, Make Art, the Linux
Audio Conference and the ICMC (sorry for the squeeze) etc. are to be
worked around.  It's all a little premature at this point but what are
your thoughts on timing a convention?

A bientot,


> Hey all,
> here are my sincere thanks to all the people who made the convention
> possible. It was a great time, although much too short!
> I hope to meet again some of you in the next future!
> http://grrrr.org/pics/pdconv07
> all the best,
> Thomas
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