Phil Stone hat gesagt: // Phil Stone wrote:

> I am beginning to see that it might not be a good idea to expose all 
> those receives, even if the likelihood of name-collision is small.  If 
> all patches were designed this way, there would be a great many possible 
> collisions, so the likelihood would increase, even with careful naming.  

Exactly. I wrote about this issue a bit in my old RRADical paper in
section "Communication": http://footils.org/cms/show/1#communication

Generally I think, abstraction developers should keep the number of
global receivers to an absolute minimum and avoid them wherever
possible. As you are using [sssad] there already is one global
receiver builtin, that you can use to address all [sssad] enabled
objects. You do this in a similar way to saving and restoring
all settings: Instead of restoring all, you just restore only one

Another good approach to keep the number of global s/r minimal is to
use [route] and [list prepend]:

 [list trim]
 [route one two three]
 |   |   |
 |   |   ...
 |   ...
 [s $0-one]

By this you have three targets available using only one receiver. With
[list prepend] it's easy to make "settable sends" like this:

 "data"           | [two(
 |                |/
 [list prepend one]

or directly: 

 [one 1 uno eins(
 | [two 2 duo zwei(

Now replace "GLOBAL" with inlets/outlets and you have reduced the
number of global receivers to zero! This is the approach developed and
used in RRADical: The rightmost inlet/outlet serves as single border
crossing to the internals of a RRADical abstraction, internally then
OSCroute is used to multiplex the data sent to such an "OSC-inlet". In
[sssad] this is less formalized, but it's the same idea. netpd also
uses something like this so I guess it is a kind of design pattern. ;) 

 Frank Barknecht                 _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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