hi david

just exactly in the previous mail i tried to explain, what happens, when
using huge tables: exactly what you describe.

please read again:


On Wed, 2007-09-12 at 21:51 +0200, David Schaffer wrote:
> Hi,
>     Today, I realized that simple playback of an audio file just isn't
> that easy in pd: since I was unable to find an mp3 player that
> actually works on a win 2k/xp system, I chose to leave the files
> in .wav and read them using tabread~ or tabread4~ driven by phasor (I
> need more control than the readsf~ object can provide). Here's the
> weird thing: as this method works fine with files up to ~10 minutes,
> longer files seem to decrease in quality as time goes by, and around
> 18 minutes,it sounds really bad (a little like beeing processed by a
> "bitcrusher" ...for those who like cubase, something very "lo-fi"). I
> find this to be very intriguing and was wondering if anyone out there
> had an explanation for this, I was also wondering what other solutions
> I had to be able to play long wav files without quality loss. Thank
> you all.
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