"init" is one of many messages that Pd and its gui send back and forth, which
aren't intended to have any user-level functionality... of course, some
of those messages like "connect" have proved useful at the user level; but
none of them are guaranteed to do anything useful or even to be safe.  The
only one that's "supported" is "dsp" for turning audio computation on and off.


On Tue, Sep 18, 2007 at 07:34:01PM +0200, Frank Barknecht wrote:
> Hallo,
> Steffen hat gesagt: // Steffen wrote:
> > When I send 'init' to pd i get this printed to the console:
> > 
> > consistency check failed: glob_initfromgui
> > 
> > And then Pd gets in-functional. All I can is to shut the gui from the  
> > menu, but a pd process keeps running and uses like 60% cpu time. I  
> > don't know the correct term to describe this behavior.
> > 
> > I wonder why it happens. I find it quite not-nice if Pd tilts by such  
> > a thing, but there might be reasons i know nothing about?
> > 
> > I can file a bug/feature report, but was curious if it is a just me...
> [; pd init( crashes Pd here (Linux), so it's clearly a bug somewhere.
> Or rather here, according to gdb: 
> #38 0xb7d0b161 in vsnprintf () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6
> Ciao
> -- 
>  Frank Barknecht                 _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__
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