if you want to do something right now, then please help me with getting
lists of objects and short description.

I have my own personal 0.INTRO.TXT file, which has many many objects. For sure not all, but it's not that bad. I might compare it with the last version of pd-ext soon, if I have the time/mood for it. This list is also in my pd-page and I posted here about it, but I guess that no one can really know everything that's happening on the list.


Friedenstr. 58
10249 Berlin
Tel +49 30 42020091
Mob +49 162 6843570
skype: jmmmpjmmmp
IBM Thinkpad R51, XP, Pd-Ext-0.39-2-t5
Para encontrar ficheiros em linux:
- procurar /extra e /doc pelos ficheiros
- ficheiros com # ja foram verificados

The "reference" section of the documentation should contain a patch 
demonstrating how to use each of Pd's classes.  As of version 0.29, a complete
list of "object" classes follows.  Not included in this list are messages,
atoms, graphs, etc. which aren't typed into object boxes but come
straight off the "add" menu.

---------------------------- GLUE --------------------------------
bang      - output a bang message
change (+g) - remove repeated numbers from a stream
float     - store and recall a number
int       - store and recall an integer
makefilename - format a symbol with a variable field
moses     - part a numeric stream
pack      - make compound messages
print     - print out messages
receive   - catch "sent" messages
route     - route messages according to first element
swap      - swap two numbers
select    - test for matching numbers or symbols
send      - send a message to a named object
spigot    - interruptible message connection
symbol    - store and recall a symbol
trigger   - sequence and convert messagess
unpack    - get elements of compound messages
until     - looping mechanism
value     - shared numeric value
#a2l / any2list (z)     - convert "anythings" to "lists"
#active (c)     - report if windows is active / inactive
#add2_comma (ie) - add a comma-separated message to a messagebox
#allow (mx)     - lets only "allowed" floats or symbols through
#alternate (g)  - alternate between two outlets
#any (Pie)      - store and recall any message (like f, or symbol)
# any_argument
Append (c)      - 
atoi (z)        - ascii to integer
bpe (ie)        - break point envelope controller
choice (P)      - search for a best match to an incoming list
counter (g)     - counts the number of bangs
default (Pie)   - replace initial-argument, if it is zero
demultiplex (z) - demultiplex the input to a specified outlet
deny (ms)       - blocks "denyed" floats or symbols
dist (mx)       - send data to a list of receive objects
dollarg (ie)    - receive parent initial-arguments (abbr. $n)
drip (z)        - extract the atoms of a package (opt. scheduled)
dsp (Pie)       - control audio-engine, calculate dsp-performance (aka. dsp~)
edge (mx)       - detect rising or falling edge in floats
exp_inc (ie)    - exponential increment counter (bang triggered)
fifo (mx)       - first in first out buffer for floats
fifop (z)       - list FIFO with priorities
float24 (ie)    - store a 24-bit accurate float-number
for++   (ie)    - incremental counter (triggered by internal metro)
gate (ie)       - interruptible message connection (like spigot)
glue (z)        - append a package to another (glue them together)
 iem_anything (ie) - latch for anything
iem_append (Pie) - append a message to any messages (obsolete: merge_any)
iem_i_route (ie) - variation of route (abbr. iiroute)
iem_prepend (Pie) - prepend a message to any messages (abbr. pp or prepend)
iem_receive (Pie) - catch "sent" messages (receive-name-input) (abbr. iem_r)
iem_route (ie) - improvement of route
iem_sel_any (ie) - control a message-box with multiple content
iem_send (Pie) - send messages to named object (send-name-input)(ab. iem_s)
ignore (mx)    - lets information through only when it was present at input 
longer than N ms
index (z)      - map symbols to indices
init (ie)      - initialize a message via loadbang (abbr. ii)
iso (mx)       - queues up lists of pitches and attack points
length (z)     - get the length of a list
lifo (mx)      - last in first out buffer for floats
lifop (z)      - list LIFO with priorities
lister (z)     - store lists (like "float" for floats)
list2int (z)   - cast each float of a list to integer
list2send (ie) - array of send-objects
list2symbol     (z) - convert a list into a single symbol
listfifo (mx)  - first in first out buffer for lists
listfunnel (mx) - send values out as list with source index
lpt (z)         - write to the (parallel) port (linux only)
kalashnikov - serialize bangs
makesymbol (z) - concatenate lists to formatted symbols
match (mx)     - outputs a list when a list of input values matches the 
creation arguments
mergefilename (ie) - merge a list of symbols together
modulo_counter (ie) - endless loop counter (bang triggered)
multiselect/multisel (g) - a select object which accepts a list in the right 
nchange (mx)   - a "new" [change]
niagara (z)    - split 1 packages into 2
nop (zA)        - no-operation
nroute (mx)    - rout if Nth element is matched
once (Pie)     - any message pass through only the first time
oneshot (g)    - send a bang, then block until reset
packel (z)     - get a specified element of a list
pique (P)      - find peaks in an FFT spectrum - 0.1
pre_inlet (ie) - output an identifier-message and then the incoming message
prepend (Pie) - list-prefixer
prepend_output (ie) - an identifier-message and then the incoming message
prepent        - shortcut for [list prepend]--[list trim]
receive2list (Pie) - array of receive-objects
remote (mx)    - send data to any receive object
repack (z)     - (re)pack atoms to packages of a given size
 sl / rl (ge)  - send messages locally per canvas
scrolllist     - displays and scrolls a text in  a patch window
 sendlocal / receivelocal (ge)
serialize (ge) - turn a stream of floats into a list
subst (mx)     - self-similar substitution/diminution of rows
segregate (zA)  - segregate the input to various outlets, depending on the type
slider (ge)    - slider from ggee
sort (z)       - shell-sort a list of floats
soundfile_info (ie) - output header-info of a wav-file
speedlim (ie) (mx) - reduce speed of a numeric stream
split3 (Pie)   - part a numeric stream into 3 ways
split (ie) (mx) - part a numeric stream into 2 ways (like moses)
splitfilename (ie) - divide a symbol into 2 parts
state (ge)     - saves settings in a patch to a file
strcmp (z)     - compare lists as strings
stripfilename (ie) - strip n characters of a symbol
sync (mx) - extended trigger object based on sync from jMax
 t3_bpe (ie)  - t3_break-point-envelope message-controller
temperature (mx) - output number of input changes in N ms
ticker (ge)    - toggle from ggee
tilt (mx)      - measure "tilt" of input
toddle (ge)    - bang that routes messages through
toggle_mess (ie) - control a message-box with multiple content (abbr. tm)
transf_fader (ie) - partial linear characteristic diagram (like table)
unroute (mx)   - merges all inputs into one output and prepend an identifier
unsymbol (ie)  - convert a symbol- to a anything-message
uzi - serialize bangs
v2db (ie) - rms to db
 unsymbol (ie) - converts symbol to anything
unwonk (ge)    - unpack which sends unused symbols to the last outlet

------------------------------ TIME ----------------------------------
delay -   send a message after a time delay
metro -   send a message periodically
line -    send a series of linearly stepped numbers
timer -   measure time intervals
cputime - measure CPU time
realtime - measure real time
pipe -    dynamically growable delay line for numbers
 bpm (Pm) - calculate meanvalue of times between clicks
 clock (Pm) - show (simple) clock
date (z) - get system date
exciter - controls a list of bang-events scheduled in time - 0.2
 for++ (ie) - increment- or decrement-counter
 help-timeconvert (Pm) - shows conversion of hertz, milliseconds, bpm, ...
 metroplus (mj) - allows complex timing bangs to be delivered
 monorhythm (mj) - basic rhythm pattern building blocks that allows polyrhthms 
to be generated quickly and easily
 prob (mj) - generates random events with a given probability
pulse (mx) - a better metro
speedlim (mx) (ie) - float-message-speed-limiter
step (mx) - output sequence of numbers (similar to "line")
time (z) - get system time
timebang (mx) - send out bangs at given times of day
t3_bpe (ie) - time tagged trigger break point envelope
t3_delay (ie) - time tagged trigger delay
t3_metro (ie) - time tagged trigger metronom
t3_timer (ie) - time tagged trigger timer
tripleLine (g) - line object for 3 values
urn (z) (mx) - unique random numbers
velocity (mx) - get velocity of digits per second

------------------------------ MATH ----------------------------------
+ - * / pow                                      arithmetic
== != > < >= <=                                  relational tests
& && | || %                                      bit twiddling
mtof ftom powtodb rmstodb dbtopow dbtorms        convert acoustical units
mod div sin cos tan atan atan2 sqrt log exp abs  higher math
random                                           lower math
max min                                          greater or lesser of 2 numbers
clip                                             force a number into a range
. (z) - scalar multiplication of vectors (=lists of floats)
1/x / inv - takes the inverse of the input
# about (mj)   - delivers a number that is "about" the same as the input number
anal (c) - 
average (g) (mx) - calculates the average of the last N items (floats)
beta (mx) - beta distributed random numbers
bilex (mx) - bilinear exponentionally distributed random numbers
cart2pol (zA) - convert cartesian coordinates to polar
cart2sph (zA) - convert cartesian coordinates to spheric
cauchy (mx) - cauchy distributed random numbers
clip (c) - 
db2v (ie) - db to rms
dbtofad (Pie) - midi-db to fader-characteristic
deg2rad (zA) - convert degree to radiant
delta (mx) - calculate 1st or 2nd order difference
divide (mx) - like "/" but calculates result when second inlet is changed
divmod (mx) - calculates division and modulo
expo (ms) - exponentially distributed random numbers
expr (P) - expression evaluation - 0.4
 f2note (ie) - frequency to [midi + note + cents]-converter
fadtodb (Pie) - fader-characteristic to midi-db
fadtorms (Pie) - fader-characteristic to rms
f2note (ie) - frequency to midi+cents+note
gauss (mx) - gauss distributed random numbers
history (mx) - calculates the average of the items (floats) that came in within 
the last N seconds
invert (g) - non-zero numbers to 0, 0 to 1
limit (mx) - limits input to lie between boundaries
linear (mx) - linearly distributed random numbers
mavg (z) - moving average filter for floats
mean (zA) - get the mean value of a list of floats
minmax (z) - get minimum and maximum of a list of floats
minus (mx) - like "-" but calculates result when leftmost or second inlet is 
mlife (mx) - cellular automata object
multi (mx) - like "*" but calculates result when leftmost or second inlet is 
 n2m (mj) - note to midi
plus (mx) - like "+" but calculates result when leftmost or second inlet is 
poisson (mx) - poisson distributed random numbers
pol2cart (zA) - convert polar coordinates to cartesian
pol2sph (zA) - convert polar coordinates to spheric
prime (z) - test whether a number is prime or not
rad2deg (zA) - convert radiant to degree
randomF randF (g) - floating point random number
rewrap (mx) - wraps floats back and forth into a range
rmstofad (Pie) - rms to fader-characteristic
round_zero (ie) - round numbers near zero to zero
 runden (Pm) - set numbers behind the comma
scale (g) (mx) - scale input from a certain input range to lie between output 
shuffle (mo) - a no-repeat random generator
sph2cart (zA) - convert spheric coordinates to cartesian
sph2pol (zA) - convert spheric coordinates to polar
sum (z) - get the sum of a list of floats
triang (mx) - triangularly distributed random numbers
tripleRand (g) - three random numbers
 v2db (ie) - value to dB converter
v+ v- v* v/ (g) - math on a list of numbers
vectorabs / vabs (g) - computes the absolute value on a list of numbers
vectorpack / vpack (g) - appends one value in the end of a list
wrap (ie) (mx) - wraparound
wrap (z) - wrap the float-input between to boundaries
weibull (mx) - weibull distributed random numbers
zscale (j) - scale von pdjimmies

------------------------------ MIDI ----------------------------------
notein ctlin pgmin bendin touchin polytouchin midiin sysexin - MIDI input
noteout ctlout pgmout bendout touchout polytouchout midiout  - MIDI output
makenote -  schedule a delayed "note off" message corresponding to a note-on
stripnote - strip "note off" messages
beat (mx) - beat tracker
borax (mx) - analyse incoming midi notes - 0.1
chord (mx) - tries to detect chords
gestalt (mx) - gestalt detection for monophonic melodies
pitch (mx) - get info about pitch
rhythm (mx) - detects the beat of rhythmic patterns
score (mx) - score follower that tries to match incoming MIDI data to a score 
stored in an array

------------------------------ TABLES----------------------------------
tabread -    read a number from a table
tabread4 -   read a number from a table, with 4 point interpolation
tabwrite -   write a number to a table
soundfiler - read and write tables to soundfiles
envgen (ge) - (not so) simple envelope generator
pianoroll - graphical sequencer controller - 0.3
tabdump (z) - dump out a table as a list of floats
tabminmax (z) - get minimum and maximum of a table
tabread4 (z) - interpolating tabread (obsolete since pd>=0.30)
tabset (z) - set a table with a list of floats

------------------------------ MISC ----------------------------------
loadbang -   bang on load
serial -     serial device control for NT only
netclient (mx) - simple client that connects to netserver or pd's native 
netreceive object
netdist (mx) - distribute data to several netreceive
netrec (mx) - ?report of netsend connections?
netsend - send messages over the internet
netserver (mx) - netclient
netreceive - receive them
qlist -      message sequencer
textfile -   file to message converter
openpanel -  "Open" dialog
savepanel -  "Save as" dialog
bag -        set of numbers
poly -       polyphonic voice allocation
key, keyup - numeric key values from keyboard
keyname -    symbolic key name
getenv (mo) - sends value of an environment variable argument on bang
 init (ie) - initialize by loadbang <anything>
hsv2rgb, rgb2hsv (g) - convert between RGB and HSV colour space
iem_pbank_csv (ie) - parameter memory manager (csv-format) (like textfile)
msgfile (z)  - a powerful "textfile" derivative
operating_system (z) - get the current OS
pool - a hierarchical storage - 0.2.1
stripdir (ge) - strips all leading directories from a path
system (mo) - send a system message to the console
vbap (ge) - vector-based amplitude panning external
wintablet - external for using Wacom tablets on Windows
 qread (ge) - ???
 rtout (ge) - ???
 sinh (ge) - ???
 unserialize (ge) - ???

;---------------------- PD Container 0.2 -------------------------
[noch zu dokumentieren]

;------------------------- matrix -------------------------------
matrix (z) - create/store/... matrices
mtx_.* (z) - multiply 2 matrices element by element
mtx_./ (z) - divide 2 matrices element by element
mtx_add, mtx_+ (z) - add 2 matrices (or an offset to 1 matrix)
mtx_check (z) - check the consistency of a matrix and repair
mtx_col (z) - set columns of a matrix
mtx_diag (z) - get the diagonal of a matrix
mtx_diegg (z) - diagonal matrix (from upper-right to lower-left)
mtx_egg (z) - identity matrix (from upper-right to lower-left)
mtx_element (z) - set elements of a matrix
mtx_eye (z) - identity matrix
mtx_inverse (z) - get the inverse of a matrix
mtx_mean (z) - get the mean value of each column
mtx_mul, mtx_* (z) - multiply 2 matrices (or a factor with 1 matrix)
mtx_ones (z) - matrix with all elements==1
mtx_pivot (z) - pivot-transform a matrix
mtx_print (z) - print a matrix to the stderr
mtx_resize (z) - resize a matrix (evtl. with zero-padding)
mtx_rand (z) - matrix with random elements
mtx_roll (z) - column-shift a matrix
mtx_row (z) - set rows of a matrix
mtx_scroll (z) - row-shift a matrix
mtx_size (z) - get the size of a matrix
mtx_trace (z) - get the trace of a matrix
mtx_transpose (z) - transpose a matrix
mtx_zeros (z) - matrix with all elements==0

;------------------------- vasp_modular -------------------------------
"VASP-HELP" Hilfe hervorrufen

-------------------------- AUDIO GLUE ----------------------------------
adc~ -      audio input
dac~ -      audio output
bang~ -     send a bang message after each DSP block
block~ -    specify block size and overlap
catch~ -    define and read a summing bus
throw~ -    add to a summing bus
env~ -      envelope follower
line~ -     generate audio ramps
vline~ -        deluxe line~
threshold~ - detect signal thresholds
snapshot~ - sample a signal (convert it back to a number)
samplerate~ get the sample rate
readsf~ -   soundfile playback from disk (UNIX only.)  <-- VERWENDEN
receive~ -  get signal from send~
send~ -     nonlocal signal connection with fanout
switch~ -   switch DSP computation on and off
writesf~ -  record sound to disk (UNIX only.)  <-- VERWENDEN
sig~ -      convert numbers to audio signals
blockmirror~ (z) - time-reverse a signal-vector (1,2,...,64 -> 64,63,...,1)
blockswap~ (z) - swap the upper and lower half of a signal-vector
cooled~ - sound editor - 0.11
dfreq~ (z) - frequency detector
envrms~ (z) - like env~, but outputting rms instead of dB
fade~ (ie) - fade-in fade-out shaper (need line~)
iem_blocksize~ (ie) - blocksize of a window in samples
iem_samplerate~ (ie) - samplerate of a window in Hertz
int_fract~ (Pie) - split signal-float to integer- and fractal-part
Line~ (c) - with lists and bang in the end
mp3play~ (ie) - mp3 stereo player
pack~ (z) - convert a signal to a list of floats
unpack~ (z) - convert a list of floats to a signal
oggamp~ - 
oggcast~ - 
ogglive~ - 
patcher~ - 16x16 patchbay inspired by Synthi AKS - 0.3
pdf~ (z) - probability density function 
peakenv~ (ie) - peak envelope shaper
polygate~ (mo) - switch between multiple signal inputs
prvu~ (ie) - peak and rms VU-meter interface
pvu~ (ie) - peak VU-meter interface
rvu~ (ie) - rms VU-meter interface
 rlshift~ (P) - shift signal vector elements left or right
scope~ (c) - 
sfplay (z) - play back (multi-channel) soundfiles  <-- NICHT VERWENDEN
sfrecord (z) - record (multichannel) soundfiles  <-- NICHT VERWENDEN
sfread~  <-- NICHT VERWENDEN
sfwrite~  <-- NICHT VERWENDEN
sigzero~ (z) - detects whether a signal is zero throughout the vector or not
Snapshot~ (c) - 
spigot~ - signal router - 0.11
tavg~ (z) - arithmetic mean between two bangs
t3_sig~ (ie) - time tagged trigger sig~
t3_line~ (ie) - time tagged trigger line~
bthresher~ (ft) - similar to thresher~ but with more control 
thresher~ (ft) - an amplitude/frequency sensitive gating object 
unsig~ (Pie) - signal to float converter
xgroove~ (xs)
xrecord~ (xs)
xplay~ (xs)
zerocross~ (j) - noise detector, counts zero-crossings of signal

-------------------------- AUDIO MATH ----------------------------------
+~ -~ *~ /~ arithmetic on audio signals
max~ min~ - maximum or minimum of 2 inputs
clip~ -     constrict signal to lie between two bounds
q8_rsqrt~ - cheap reciprocal square root (beware -- 8 bits!)
q8_sqrt~ -  cheap square root (beware -- 8 bits!)
wrap~ -     wraparound (fractional part, sort of)
fft~ -      complex forward discrete Fourier transform
ifft~ -     complex inverse discrete Fourier transform
rfft~ -     real forward discrete Fourier transform
rifft~ -    real inverse discrete Fourier transform
framp~ -    output a ramp for each block
mtof~, ftom~, rmstodb~, dbtorms~, rmstopow~, powtorms~ - acoustic conversions
# >~, <~, ==~, &&~, ||~ (z) - logical operators
# abs~ (g) (z) - absolute value of a signal
absgn~  - 
addl~ (Pie) - signal-addition with line~
amp~ (Phc) - smooth amplitude control
atan2~ (ge) - get the phase from a imaginary value of the fft
avg~ (z) - arithmetic mean of 1 signal-vector
Clip~ (c) - with signal control input
divl~ (Pie) - signal-divison with line~
exp~ log~ (ge) - signal math
expr~ (P) - expression evaluation - 0.4
fexpr~ (P) - expression evaluation - 0.4
ln~ (mo) - natural log + inverse
 m2f~ (ie) - signal-midi-to-frequency-converter
mull~ (Pie) - signal-multiplication with line~
multiline~ (z) - line~d multiplication of multiple signals
pol2rec~ (mo) - inverse of rec2pol~
rec2pol~ (mo) - convert rectangular coordinates to polar
round~ (Pie) - round signal-float to nearest integer
sgn~ (z) - signum of a signal
sin_phase~ (ie) - output phase-difference of 2 sinewaves in samples
subl~ (Pie) - signal-subtraction with line~
 t3_sig~ (ie) - convert numbers to signal with sample-accuracy

-------------------- AUDIO OSCILLATORS AND TABLES ------------------------
phasor~ -   sawtooth oscillator
cos~ -      cosine
osc~ -      cosine oscillator
tabwrite~ - write to a table
tabplay~ -  play back from a table (non-transposing)
tabread~ -  non-interpolating table read
tabread4~ - four-point interpolating table read
tabsend~ -  write one block continuously to a table
tabreceive~ read one block continuously from a table
 agogo~ (p)
 bamboo~ (p)
 blotar~ (p)
bonk~ (P) - attack detector for small percussion instruments - 1.1 Test3
 bowed~ (p)
 bowedbar~ (p)
 brass~ (p)
buzz~ - subctractive synthesis without filters
 cabasa~ (p)
cavoc~ (ft) - an 8-rule cellular automata that generates spectra 
cavoc27~ (ft) - a 27-rule cellular automata object 
 chase~ (p) -  uses a sync signal to determine who gets out which outlet
 clarinet~ (p)
 dcblock~ (p) - blocks DC components in audio signals
dirac~ (z) - dirac-pulse
 escalator~ (p)
fiddle~ (P) - pitch estimator and sinusoidal peak finder - 1.1 Test4
 flute~ (p)
 formant~ - formant synthesis
 gq~ (p) - equalizer with variable number of filter banks
 guiro~ (p)
LFO_noise~ (ie) - downsampled 2-point interpolated white noise
loop~ (P) - phase generator for looping samples (test-loop~.pd)
lrshift~ (P) - shift signal vector elements left or right
 mandolin~ (p)
 marimba~ (p)
 morse (mj)
 munger~ (p) - granular sampling instrument
noish~ (z) - downsampled noise (hold)
noisi~ (z) - downsampled noise (interpolate)
paf~ 0.06
pink~ (Pie) - pink noise
 plucked~ (p)
 rechteck~ (Pm) - a squarewave-generator
 scrub~ (p)
 sinesum (Pm) - examples of sinesum
 sleigh~ (p) - sleigh bell
step~ (z) - unity step
susloop~ - another phase generator for sample looping
syncgrain~ - implements synchronous granular synthesis
 vibraphone~ (p)
 testsig~ (Pm) - choose noise, osc, phasor by clicking

;------------------ AUDIO WINDOWING -----------------------

-------------------- AUDIO FILTERS ------------------------
vcf~ -      voltage controlled filter
noise~ -    white noise generator
hip~ -      high pass filter
lop~ -      low pass filter
bp~ -       band pass filter
biquad~ -   raw filter
bandpass, equalizer, highpass, highshelf, hlshelf, lowpass, lowshelf, notch 
(ge) - parameters for biquad~
samphold~ - sample and hold unit
print~ -    print out one or more "blocks"
1p1z (Pie) - float-message-filter 1.order
aenv~ - asymptotic ADSR envelope generator
ap1~ (Pie) - allpass 1.order
ap2~ (Pie) - allpass 2.order
bpq2~ (Pie) - bandpass 2.order with Q-inlet
bpw2~ (Pie) - bandpass 2.order with bandwidth-inlet
bsq2~ (Pie) - bandstop 2.order (notch) with Q-inlet
bsw2~ (Pie) - bandstop 2.order (notch) with bandwidth-inlet
burrow~ (ft) - a cross-referenced filtering object 
centerring~ (ft) - a spectral modulation object 
codepend~ (ft) - a classic block convolution object 
complex-mod~ (P) - frequency shifter
compressor~ - audio compressor - 0.1
convol~ (Pm) - convobrosfilter
crossx~ (ft) - a cross synthesis object with gating 
cverb~ - implementation of the Csound reverb
dentist~ (ft) - a partial knockout object 
disarrain~ (ft) - an interpolating version of disarray~ 
disarray~ (ft) - a spectral redistribution object 
drown~ (ft) - a noise reduction (or increase) object 
 enveloper~ (Pm) - the (old???) envelope-generator of iemlib
ether~ (ft) - another spectral compositing object 
 filter~ (ie) - multiple object for all useful IIR-filters 1. and 2. order like 
lowpass, highpass, bandpass, bandstop, allpass, etc
 filterbank~ - outputs the frequence response against a set of band-pass 
filters - 0.1
filtersme1~ (Pm) - a hard-filtering of low(soft) frequencies
  filtersme2~ (Pm) - filtering by drawing with mouse in array
FIR~ (ie) - finite impuls response filter, with array-coefficients
freeverb~ - Schroeder/Moorer reverb model - 0.2c
hilbert~ (P) - phase quadrature of input for complex modulation
hml_shelf~ (ie) - high-mid-low-shelving-filter with freq- and gain-inlets
hp1~ (Pie) - highpass 1.order
hp2~ (Pie) - highpass 2.order
hp2_butt~, hp3_butt~, hp4_butt~, hp5_butt~, hp6_butt~, hp7_butt~,
hp8_butt~, hp9_butt~, hp10_butt~ (Pie) - 
        highpass with butterworth characteristic
hp2_cheb~, hp3_cheb~, hp4_cheb~, hp5_cheb~, hp6_cheb~, hp7_cheb~,
hp8_cheb~, hp9_cheb~, hp10_cheb~ (Pie) - 
        highpass with chebyshev characteristic
hp2_bess~, hp3_bess~, hp4_bess~, hp5_bess~, hp6_bess~, hp7_bess~,
hp8_bess~, hp9_bess~, hp10_bess~ (Pie) - 
        highpass with bessel characteristic
hp2_crit~, hp3_crit~, hp4_crit~, hp5_crit~, hp6_crit~, hp7_crit~,
hp8_crit~, hp9_crit~, hp10_crit~ (Pie) - 
        highpass with critical damping
leaker~ (ft) - a sieve-based cross fader 
limiter~ (z) - a limiter/compressor module
lp1~ (Pie) - lowpass 1.order
lp2~ (Pie) - lowpass 2.order
lp1_t~ (ie) - lowpass 1.order with time_constant inlet
lp2_butt~, lp3_butt~, lp4_butt~, lp5_butt~, lp6_butt~, lp7_butt~,
lp8_butt~, lp9_butt~, lp10_butt~ (Pie) - 
        lowpass with butterworth characteristic
lp2_cheb~, lp3_cheb~, lp4_cheb~, lp5_cheb~, lp6_cheb~, lp7_cheb~,
lp8_cheb~, lp9_cheb~, lp10_cheb~ (Pie) - 
        lowpass with chebyshev characteristic
lp2_bess~, lp3_bess~, lp4_bess~, lp5_bess~, lp6_bess~, lp7_bess~,
lp8_bess~, lp9_bess~, lp10_bess~ (Pie) - 
        lowpass with bessel characteristic
lp2_crit~, lp3_crit~, lp4_crit~, lp5_crit~, lp6_crit~, lp7_crit~,
lp8_crit~, lp9_crit~, lp10_crit~ (Pie) - 
        lowpass with critical damping
maverage~ (Pie) - moving average filter, (IIR + delay)
mindwarp~ (ft) - a spectral formant warping object 
moog~ - signal controlled "moog" resonant lowpass
morphine~ (ft) - a morphing object 
multiverb~ - Schroeder/Moorer reverb model
multyq~ (ft) - a four band filter 
pan~ (mo) - equal power stereo panning
pansig~ (mo) - same as above but takes a signal modulator rather than a float
para_bp2~ (ie) - parametrical bandpass 2. order with freq-, Q- and gain-inlet
 pin~ (mj)- randomly delivers the input signal to either the right or left 
outlet with a given probability
pitchnoise~ - Harmonic/inharmonic monophonic timbre separator
presidency~ (ft) - a spectral sampler with pitch control 
pvgrain~ (ft) - a spectrum analyzer for granular resynthesis 
pvharm~ (ft) - a harmonizer 
pvoc~ (ft) - an additive synthesis phase vocoder 
pvtuner~ (ft) - a spectrum quantizer for tuning to arbitrary scales 
pvwarp~ (ft) - a non-linear frequency warper 
reanimator~ (ft) - an audio texture mapper 
resent~ (ft) - similar to residency~ but with independent bin control 
residency~ (ft) - a spectral sampler useful for time scaling 
scrape~ (ft) - a noise reduction (or increase) object with frequency control 
shapee~ (ft) - a frequency shaping object 
swinger~ (ft) - a phase swapping object 
taint~ (ft) - a cross synthesis object 
vacancy~ (ft) - a spectral compositing object 
xsyn~ (ft) - a cross synthesis with compression objectpvcompand~ (ft) - a 
spectral compressor/expander object 
quantize~ (z) - quantizes signals
 mov_avrg_kern~ (ie) - moving average-filter-kernel
 mypol2rec~ (Pm) - fft-stuff, needed as abstraction for some other patches
 myrec2pol~ (Pm) - fft-stuff, as above (ggee)
 para_pb2~ (ie) - parametrical bandpass ???
rbpq2~ (Pie) - resonance-bandpass 2.order with Q-inlet
rbpw2~ (Pie) - resonance-bandpass 2.order with bandwidth-inlet
 reccombfilter~ (Pm) - rough combfilter feedback
rev1~ (P) - series of allpass with exponentially growing delay lines
rev2~ (P) - simple 1-in, 4-out reverberator
rev3~ (P) - hard-core, 2-in, 4-out reverberator
 schroeder~ - schroeder reverb
swap~ (z) - bytes swap a 16bit-signal
vcf_hp2~, vcf_hp4~, vcf_hp6~, vcf_hp8~ (Pie) - 
        highpass with freq- and Q-signal-inlets
vcf_lp2~, vcf_lp4~, vcf_lp6~, vcf_lp8~ (Pie) - 
        lowpass with freq- and Q-signal-inlets
vcf_bp2~, vcf_bp4~, vcf_bp6~, vcf_bp8~ (Pie) - 
        bandpass with freq- and Q-signal-inlets
vcf_rbp2~, vcf_rbp4~, vcf_rbp6~, vcf_rbp8~ (Pie) - 
        resonance-bandpass with freq- and Q-signal-inlets

-------------------- AUDIO DELAY ------------------------
delwrite~ - write to a delay line
delread~ -  read from a delay line
vd~ -       read from a delay line at a variable delay time
 blockdelay~ (Pm) - high-resolution delay for smaller delay times
z~ (z) - samplewise delay

;-------------------------- misc~ -----------------------------
matrix~ (z) - matrix-multiply m IN-signals to n OUT-signals
mixer~ - beginning of a dynamic matrix object
multiplex~ (z) - multiplex 1-of-n inlets to 1 outlet
demultiplex~ (z) - demultiplex 1 inlet to 1-of-n outlets
nop~ (zA) - no-operation

------------------------------ SUBWINDOWS ----------------------------------
pd -      define a subwindow
inlet -   add an inlet to a pd
outlet -  add an outlet to a pd
table -   array of numbers in a subwindow
dyn~ - dynamic object mangement 0.1.1
py - python script objects - 0.2.0
Table (c) - 

------------------------------ DATA TEMPLATES -----------------------------
template - define the fields in a template
drawcurve, filledcurve - draw a curve
drawpolygon, filledpolygon - draw a polygon
plot -       plot an array field
drawnumber - print a numeric value

------------------------------ ACCESSING DATA ----------------------------
pointer - point to an object belonging to a template
get -     get numeric fields
set -     change numeric fields
element - get an array element
getsize - get the size of an array
setsize - change the size of an array
append -  add an element to a list
sublist - get a pointer into a list which is an element of another scalar
scalar -  draw a scalar on parent
arraycopy (mx) - copy data from one array to another
arraysize - returns the size of an array

------------------------------ OBSOLETE ----------------------------
scope~ (use tabwrite~ now)

;------------------------------ gem ----------------------------

------------------------------ LEGENDA ---------------------
; - items acrescentados
(c) - cyclone 0.1 - nicht gut dokumentiert, aber ist da
(ft) - fftease 2.5
 (ge) - ggee 0.24
(g) - gem 0.90
(ie) - iemlib 1.15
(j) - pdjimmies 0.1 - nicht gut dokumentiert, aber ist da
(mx) - maxlib 1.5.2
 (mj) - mjlib 1/2/02
 (mo) - motex 2001
PD Container 0.2
 (p) - Percolate 0.03
vasp_modular 0.1.3
 (xs) - xsample 0.2.1
(z) - zexy 2.1
(zA) - zexy Abstractions

(P$) - Abstraktionen
 (P) - patches /externals incluídos
(Phc) - Hans-Christoph Steiner
 (Pm) - [EMAIL PROTECTED], [31.1.2002]
 (Pie) - iemlib 1.15

------------------------------ pdpatches ---------------------
actualizar seg (se houver)
filtersme2~, myrec2pol~ - falta atan2~
marcar externos que estao instalados mas nao prontos a usar, porque nao sao 

faltam ficheiros help: average change abs~ reson~ scale

maxlib: arbran
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