I was talking about message"box" object"box" number"box"...

Roman Haefeli wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-10-03 at 00:03 +0200, João Miguel Pais wrote:
>>> for inlets/outlets I think we can use german words, but also mention the
>>> english terms, so that people are not totally helpless when they read
>>> english documentation.
>> in germany among germans I always heard Eingang/Ausgang, as well as  
>> Nachricht.
>>> I used "befehl" and "nachricht" for message. bibliothek for library
>>> sounds good to me, although I do not really use it.
>>> There are also some other terms that need to be translated, like
>>> box = ?
>> kästchen?
> infobox is certainly nothing, that could be misunderstood in german. i'd
> say let's skip any intention to be pure in that case, since any correct
> translation sounds so 19th century. furthermore is german a language,
> that is quite used to anglizisms, unlike french.
> roman
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