
Thomas Jeppesen a écrit :
That sounds very interesting!

I'm on windows and the only version I can find is a version 0.1 which seems to be an uncompiled linux version or something. Is there a windows-version out there?

Thomas :)

chris clepper wrote:
partconv~ is a convolution reverb like Altiverb. Load any soundfile Impulses in .wav format and enjoy. It is a little CPU heavy but I did tweak it for G4 and G5 CPUs if you have one of those.

it's possible to compile on windows, attached is a dll made with mingw after fftw has been compiled and installed.
PDPATH = /home/pat/pd

clean: ; rm -f *.pd_* *.o *.dll

# ----------------------- MINGW-----------------------

pd_msys: partconv~.dll


WININCLUDE =  -I.. -I../include -I$(PDPATH)/src
WINCFLAGS = -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wstrict-prototypes -DPD -DNT -W3 -WX -Werror 
-Wno-unused -mms-bitfields -Wno-parentheses -Wno-switch -O6 -funroll-loops 
LDFLAGS = -shared

        gcc -mms-bitfields $(WINCFLAGS) $(WININCLUDE) -o $*.o -c $*.c
        gcc $(LDFLAGS) -o $*.dll $*.o $(PDPATH)/bin/pd.dll -l fftw3f    
        strip --strip-unneeded $*.dll
        rm -f $*.o

Attachment: partconv~.dll
Description: application/msdownload

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