On Mon, 2007-10-15 at 22:21 +0200, Atte André Jensen wrote:
> Hi
> Is there an object that'll load a given abstraction upon receiving a 
> bang? Similar for unload?
> The reason I ask is I though it would make sense to make an abstraction 
> per graphical event in gem, like "texturize a cube with this image, 
> rotate the cube, and move is over the screen". This abstraction would 
> essentially be an event that could be triggered (I'm planning on using 
> osc for that). This way a gem performance could be split into separate 
> events which could be triggered to form an entire performance. Is that I 
> stupid idea, and if so what would be a better way to go about this?

a gem render chain will only be drawn, when connected to a [gemhead].
you could just put a [spigot] after [gemhead] in order to switch a
certain part on and off.


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