Oops, sorry, that was the suggestion...

About Infobox, Wikipedia Français uses that word:

Sounds like this translation is ready to go, shall I run the import?


On Oct 16, 2007, at 10:05 PM, Alexandre Castonguay wrote:

> Hi all,
> I think that was the suggestion. The double 'bb' for that word is  
> in the first
> list.  I like the translations but don't know about 'infobox'...'boite
> d'infos' ou simplement 'infos'?
> A bientot,
> Alexandre
> On Tuesday 16 October 2007 20:36:54 Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>> I think you've been infected by English! ;)  My online translator  
>> says
>> abbreviation = abréviation
>> .hc
>> On Oct 16, 2007, at 7:44 PM, Olivier Heinry wrote:
>>> Hello les francophones
>>> one single typo correction since Jerome Abel' latest proposal:
>>>     $abbreviation: Abréviation
>>> Should we go for this then?
>>> Any major objection?
>>> Olivier
>>> # wikipedia terms
>>> $stub = "Ébauche";
>>> $template = "Modèle";
>>> $category = "Catégorie";
>>> $infobox = "Infobox";
>>> # pdpedia terms
>>> $objectclass = "Classe d'objets";
>>> # page headers
>>> $inlets = "Entrées";
>>> $outlets = "Sorties";
>>> $arguments = "Arguments";
>>> $messages = "Messages";
>>> # infobox
>>> $name = "Nom";
>>> $description = "Description";
>>> $abbreviation = "Abbréviation";
>>> $library = "Bibliothèque";
>>> $author = "Auteur";
>>> $developer = "Développeur";
>>> $releaseVersion = "Version";
>>> $releaseDate = "Date";
>>> $dependencies = "Dépendances";
>>> $license = "Licence";
>>> $website = "Site Web";
>>> $programmingLanguage = "Langage de programmation";
>>> $platform = "Plate-forme";
>>> $operatingSystem = "Système d'exploitation";
>>> $language = "Langue";
>>> $dataType = "Type de données";
>>> $distributions = "Distributions";
>>> $status = "État";
>>> $example image = "Image d'exemple";
>>> $caption = "Légende";
>>> $language = "Langue";
>>> $helppatch name = "Nom du patch d'aide";
>>> $cpu use index = "Utilisation du processeur";
>>> Le vendredi 12 octobre 2007 à 16:11 +0200, Olivier Heinry a écrit :
>>>> Le vendredi 12 octobre 2007 à 12:23 +0200, Nicolas Montgermont a
>>>> écrit :
>>>>> It seems fine for me,
>>>>> except perhaps Library -> Bibliothèque.
>>>>> I prefer the "Librairie" word, it seems more used in computing to
>>>>> me and
>>>>> keeps a strong correlation with the english word.
>>>>> Wikipedia says we can use both:
>>>>> http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biblioth%C3%A8que_logicielle
>>>>> ... it's a detail
>>>> To me , it's wrong, une librairie => a bookshop
>>>> It's a "faux-ami" and should be recognized as such! Computer world
>>>> has a
>>>> tendency to laziness...
>>>> Let's stick to "Bibliothèque"
>>>>> Jérôme Abel a écrit :
>>>>>> After some messages, the new french translation.
>>>>>> Is it OK for everyone ?
>>>>>> $infobox = "Infobox";
>>>> I dont like it, still we don't have anything better (as compact and
>>>> accurate, "Boîte d'information" c'est relou)
>>>>>> $abbreviation = "Abbréviation";
>>>> un seul b : "Abréviation"
>>>>>> $library = "Bibliothèque";
>>>> :-)
>>>> :
>>>>>> $website = "Site Web";
>>>> pas mieux :-)
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It's about as sensible to say we declare war on night attacks and  
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