Thank you Derek,

Two instances I alerady tried, but sending by osc that many messages 
give me the same result (so it isn`t problem with scrollist).
Of course I can put all modules/objects/patch related to 
keeping_song_names_in_memory and putting_this_names_to_scrollist
on second instance, but this is serious complicating life.

Question: Of course we all love PD, but is this system only for 
learning? If I need to build good, stabillity, without any drops in 
audio (also when I read or write to disk) patch for have fun from 
playing/creating music - is puredata good choice or it`s better jump to 
another environment (like max)?

I`m open to change since most important for me is finally finish project 
with great result, and not waiting for update.

-rt flag I have all time, and running under root give no difference.
If I good understand jack adding latency?

thank you

Dnia 19-10-2007 o godz. 13:48 Derek Holzer napisał(a):
> Hi Kuba,
> same problem as ever.... PD's GUI implementation is a bit crippled. My
> suggestion would be to run two instances of PD, one for the DSP running
> --nogui and one for the GUI running --noaudio. Communicate between via
> netsend or OSC. Check the archives for more tips on this.
> As a workaround, you could also try a single instance of PD, running -rt
> as root. This cleared up some but not all of my GUI-related glitches on
> Linux.
> My experiences were that ALSA+JACK worked best, but others (like Frank
> Barknecht) have reported that OSS (by this I assume OSS emulated by
> ALSA) worked better, or at least as good. I think. Again, search the
> archives, because that topic comes up very often on this list.
> best,
> d.
> Kuba Szczypek wrote:
> > Dear friends,
> > 
> > I have serious problem with  my patch. It is hard to write it in proper
> > English for me, but I have no choice - I must try,since I`m looking for
> > help.
> > 
> > 
> > I would like to show (by scrollist) my list of titles 128 song names.
> > But since I have small space for this on screen, I use only 8 lines in
> > scrollist and "page up" page down" mechanism.
> > I prepared patch who:
> > - first send 128 lines into memory of scrollist
> > - next I mark/unmark proper line.
> > 
> > But since I have only 8 line show  on display , and list have 128
> > positions I often must change pages.
> > 
> > The problem is that changing pages cause drop. If I change very fast (by
> > fader) from 0 to 127 (song nuber) many times and from 127 to 0 (again
> > again) then I can see that screen is completely frozen and audio drop is
> > very long (like about 3, 4 second).
> > More moving I did = bigger drop and longer frozen screen.
> > 
> > When I do the same, but with fader on the screen, no problem there.
> > Problem is only when I use external MIDI fader.
> > (of course normally when I use any MIDI message it work great,
> > problem is only with this setup: scrollist)
> > 
> > I tried change thread priority (pd and pd-gui) with many different
> > combinations, but it not solved problem.
> > 
> > I use Ubuntu Studio with gnome, oss audio system. Pentium IV 2,4  512
> > ram Geforce mx 400 with TV out enabled.
> > 
> > I would like to ask also is oss better than alsa+jack or not?
> > (I mean performance power).
> > 
> > Thank you
> > 
> > ----------------------------------------------------
> > Paul Oakenfold - najdroższy DJ świata
> > już 7 grudnia wystąpi w Hali Stulecia we Wrocławiu.
> > Zobacz więcej:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
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> derek holzer ::: :::
> ---Oblique Strategy # 175:
> "What are the sections sections of? Imagine a caterpillar moving"

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