Kuba Szczypek hat gesagt: // Kuba Szczypek wrote:

> p.s.Frank - my patch is too too deep and ugly for public show now. I`m 
> only 1.5 year with pd and maybe after 5 years my patches will be beauty 
> and clarity like yours.

Hihi, thank you! My trick is: I'm only posting the small and nice
patches here, not the ugly ones that I *really* use. ;) 

But as a general hint: When I desperatly hunt for the mysterious bug,
that always shows up somewhere in my patches as well, I've found it to
be a great help to first make some theories about where the bug might
be, and then test my theory with small patches. If these small patches
work, then I can at least rule out this theory to be the wrong one.
And if the small patches crash, too, then I know where the big patch
may be broken. Testing theories is good.

 Frank Barknecht                                     _ ______footils.org__

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