You need this file, the one mentioned in the error message. :)

>> /usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.6.dylib


On Oct 27, 2007, at 11:25 AM, Sylvain wrote:

> Hi,
> Thx hans, scott. I did remove the plist from preferences and it  
> seems like it getting better ... but for pdp pidip which still  
> don't load.
> I checked about X11 and i do have an /usr/X11R6/ folder ...  
> anything else i should look at ?
> Sylvain
> Hans-Christoph Steiner a écrit :
>> On Oct 27, 2007, at 10:03 AM, Sylvain wrote:
>>> Hi Hans, everybody,
>>> Seems like I don't understand some stuff here, cause I am getting  
>>> a lot
>>> of trouble with latest(s) Pd-extended releases (as ... nobody :) )
>>>  * PDP/PiDiP work out-of-box on Mac OS X
>>> What does this actuallly means ?  These libs don't load at  
>>> startup, and
>>> when I add the flag -lib pdp, I get this :
>>> /Applications/ 
>>> pdp.pd_darwin:
>>> dlopen(/Applications/ 
>>> Scripts/../extra/pdp.pd_darwin,
>>> 10): Library not loaded: /usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.6.dylib
>>>   Referenced from:
>>> /Applications/ 
>>> pdp.pd_darwin
>>>   Reason: image not found
>>> pdp: can't load library
>>> And I checked that pdp.pd_darwin is in the extra folder (same  
>>> problems
>>> with pidip)
>> Install X11, it's on your Mac OS X  10.4 DVD.
>>> - A somehow related quetion : what happened to the preferences plist
>>> previously present in older releases, or put another way, why pd-ext
>>> doesn't try to load these libs (in particular) at startup ?
>> It's embedded into the app itself.  Remove your pref file, and  
>> it'll use the embedded one:
>> rm ~/Library/Preferences/org.puredata.pd.plist
>>> - I do have issues also with rradical. For same reasons the lib  
>>> doesn't
>>> load at startup and when I import it, I still have some externals  
>>> not
>>> appearing, like coreGUI for example, I did not find where it  
>>> comes from ...
>> Donno about these...
>> .hc
>>> I may have some other problems, but I'm trying to solve them one  
>>> by one ...
>>> Some details, I am on Intel iMac G5 with (of course) latest Pd- 
>>> ext. I
>>> don't know if it is of importance, but I have several concurrent
>>> versions of Pd in my applications folder : another Pd-ext
>>> (Pd-0.39.2-extended-RC1), the latest Pd vanilla from Miller site
>>> together with the corresponding source files (with externals source
>>> files too from sourceforge) ...
>>> Any hints appreciated
>>> Sylvain
>>> Hans-Christoph Steiner a écrit :
>>>> Finally, it's done!  The most polished release of Pd yet.  We are
>>>> further refining Pd into a truly powerful and usable programming
>>>> platform.
>>>> Some highlights:
>>>>   * PDP/PiDiP work out-of-box on Mac OS X
>>>>   * Gem has working shader support
>>>>   * new libraries: mapping, msd, mrpeach net/OSC, flib
>>>>   * [comport] is robust on all platforms
>>>>   * -font-face and -font-weight command line options
>>>>   * new font and layout is the exact same size on all platforms to
>>>> the pixel
>>>>   * a new, pretty Icon on GNU/Linux and Mac OS X
>>>>   * anti-aliasing of boxes and lines on Mac OS X
>>>>   * a .deb package for Debian and Ubuntu, with GNOME menu support
>>>> If you want the details, here's the changelog:
>>>> 0.39.3-extended-rc5
>>>>   * Mac OS X: pidip finds its default font again
>>>>   * Debian/Ubuntu: some minor cleanups in the package
>>>>   * included setuid security fix from Miller (hence bumped up  
>>>> version
>>>> to 0.39.3
>>>> 0.39.2-extended-rc4
>>>>   * Mac OS X: added default prefs separate from embedded prefs
>>>>   * GNU/Linux: added embedded prefs
>>>>   * Mac OS X: updated msd/2D/3D from 
>>>> pd/osx/
>>>>   * Windows: reg settings for loading libs now in installer
>>>>   * Mac OS X and Windows: added xsample to load by default
>>>>   * Mac OS X: switched Cmd-T to fontpanel
>>>>   * Mac OS X: added Cmd-click to toggle editmode
>>>>   * font and box size tweaks to make everything fit in the boxes
>>>>   * Debian and Ubuntu: Created quick hack debian package
>>>>   * added ggee to default libraries to load
>>>>   * GNU/Linux: PiDiP finds the fonts by default now
>>>> 0.39.2-extended-rc3
>>>>   * pdp and pidip support quicktime/mjpeg/png
>>>>   * included list-abs now works properly with 0.39.2
>>>>   * Gem font support on Mac OS X is now included!
>>>>   * delread~/delwrite~ bug fixed
>>>>   * sqrt~ bug fixed
>>>> 0.39.2-extended-rc2
>>>>   * Bitstream Vera Sans Mono is now default font on Windows and  
>>>> GNU/
>>>> Linux
>>>>   * Monaco is the default font on Mac OS X
>>>>   * fixed GUI size, should actually be the same size on all  
>>>> platforms
>>>> now
>>>>   * pdp and pidip should support quicktime/mjpeg/png and theora now
>>>>   * pdp_ieee1394 included on Mac OS X
>>>>   * the Mac OS X package looks much better, thanks to Stffn http://
>>>>   * default preferences are embedded into the on Mac OS X
>>>>   * revamped font flags and added '-font-weight' flag
>>>>   * it's still missing Gem font support on Mac OS X :(
>>>>   * the delread~/sqrt~ bug is still not fixed :(
>>>> 0.39.2-extended-rc1
>>>>   * DejaVu Sans Mono is now default font
>>>>   * same sizes and layout on all platforms
>>>> 0.39.2-extended-test7
>>>>   * Gem should be installed and working on all platforms
>>>>   * the MSD (Mass-Spring-Damper) externals are included
>>>>   * included Thomas Grill's Mac/Intel fixes for iemlib and cyclone
>>>>   * Universal binaries for flext externals
>>>> 0.39.2-extended-test6
>>>>   * Lots of random little bugs fixed
>>>> 0.39.2-extended-test5
>>>>   * Much has changed, this test release should have benefitted a  
>>>> lot
>>>> from the nightly autobuilds and a few workshops to stress test them
>>>> 0.39.2-extended-test4
>>>>   * all of creb should be included now on all platforms
>>>>   * updated version of [hid] for Mac OS X
>>>> 0.39.2-extended-test3
>>>>   * Added iem_ambi and iem_bin_ambi libraries
>>>>   * Cleaned up the doc folders
>>>>   * Removed the annoying close confirm
>>>>   * Added latest Gem test builds
>>>>   * Writing to the serial port using [comport] now works on Windows
>>>> 0.39.2-extended-test2
>>>>   * included Mapping lib, RRADical, pixelTANGO
>>>>   * included intro workshop sketches
>>>> 0.39.2-extended-test1
>>>>   * Basically minimal changes from Pd-0.38.4-extended, just  
>>>> enough to
>>>> get it to build
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>>> -----
>>>> ----
>>>> Access to computers should be unlimited and total.  - the hacker  
>>>> ethic
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realize his wishes.  Now that he can realize them, he must either  
change them, or perish.    -William Carlos Williams

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