On Tue, Oct 30, 2007 at 10:08:45PM +0100, danja vasiliev wrote:
> Hello Ilya, good job ;)
> i commented on some, i think the tongue can be a little easier, somewhat
> simpler...
yeah , we must keep it that way.

> > i just made the basic translation of the template.
> > could be nice if Danya could consider the alternative options
> > (i put in the comments)
> > 
> > i also couldn't get the css stuff quite right -;(
> but http://wiki.puredata.info/ru/MediaWiki:Common.css seems to be right,
> or it is not?
it's strange to me .. do you have more clue in web related stuff ?


i have changed most of the stuff according to the comments.

# wikipedia terms (these should come straight from Wikipedia)
my $stub = "Заготовка";
my $template = "Шаблон";
my $category = "Категория"; ## или раздел ?
my $infobox = "Инфорамка";

# термины pdpedia 
my $objectclass = "Объект-класс";

# заголовки
my $inlets = "Впуска";  ## по словарю а. мюллера
# "Вход" ?
my $outlets = "Выпуска"; 
# "Выход" ?
# i was thinking that's more appropriate.. впуск/выпуск это типа из сантехники 
или какого-то другого 
# моделирования с трубами .. , звучит смешнее ;)+
# а так же , главное что - inlet/outlet - дело промежуточное, вход/выход - это 
вещи оканчательные
# незря Миллер назвал их так ,  а не in/out !
my $arguments = "Параметры";
# "Опции" (the last (options) may be no correct as some object require 
arguments, is it so?)
# i think better stick to the one which is more russian then, cause we
# got too much of all cyrillic-writen-english bits all over the place
my $messages = "Сообщения";

# infobox
my $name = "Название";
my $description = "Описание";
my $abbreviation = "Сокращение";
my $library = "Библиотека";
my $author = "Автор";
my $developer = "Разработчик";
my $releaseVersion = "Версия релиза";
my $releaseDate = "Дата выпуска";
my $dependencies = "Зависимости";
my $license = "Лицензия";
my $website = "Домашняя страница";
my $programmingLanguage = "Язык программирования";
my $platform = "Платформа";
my $operatingSystem = "Операционная Система";
my $language = "Язык";
my $dataType = "Тип данных";
my $distributions = "Дистрибутивы"; ## Дистрибуции это как-то туповато звучит :)
my $status = "Статус";

> -- 
>     _|_       danja vasiliev
>  ---(*)---    http://k0a1a.net/recent
>    " ' "      +31-64-2654486
> --
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