Hi, list.

I attached a template for the Japanese pdpedia page.
Much of it is a contribution of Tetsuya Saito and I've
only made small adjustments.

Please allow me to stand to be SysOp for the Japanese section.

I hope there is someone else on the list willing to proof read it.
I've been around long enough only to notice how silent the local
PD community is. ;(

David Shimamoto

# wikipedia terms
my $stub = "スタブ";
my $template = "テンプレート";
my $category = "カテゴリー";
my $infobox = "Infobox";
my $topLevel = "トップレベル";

# pdpedia terms
my $objectclass = "オブジェクト・クラス";

# page headers
my $inlets = "インレット";
my $outlets = "アウトレット";
my $arguments = "引数";
my $messages = "メッセージ";

# infobox
my $name = "名前";
my $description = "説明";
my $abbreviation = "省略形";
my $library = "ライブラリ";
my $author = "作者";
my $developer = "開発者";
my $releaseVersion = "リリース・バージョン";
my $releaseDate = "リリース日付";
my $dependencies = "依存関係";
my $license = "ライセンス";
my $website = "ウェブサイト";
my $programmingLanguage = "プログラミング言語";
my $platform = "プラットフォーム";
my $operatingSystem = "OS";
my $language = "言語";
my $dataType = "データ型";
my $distributions = "ディストリビューション";
my $status = "ステータス";
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