If the QT Synth appears as a normal MIDI client on whatever operating 
system you use, it shouldn't be hard.

On OSX you have to open up "Audio MIDI Setup" and see if the QT Synth 
appears as a MIDI device. If it does, then you can connect to it under 
the MIDI devices in PD. Make sure you leave the "Audio MIDI Setup" 
dialog open. Closing it prevents PD from accessing MIDI devices!

On Linux, if QT Synth is setup as an ALSA Midi device, you can use the 
ALSA Midi in PD, or better yet use JACK to connect the MIDI ports. On 
Windows, MidiOx should take care of the job (I guess...).

best wishes + report back!

So long as the QT synth appears as

Mark Polishook wrote:
> On OS X, is there a way to route Pd midi internally to the Quicktime
> synthesizer? Is there an answer for an equivalent on Windows and
> LInux?
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---Oblique Strategy # 104:
"Listen in total darkness, or in a very large room, very quietly"

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