On Dec 16, 2007 1:02 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> is it just about getting rand. varieble amplitude sinusoid ?
> i have made a nice object called 0sc~ - which is like an unstable
> oscillator (amplitude wise, and frequency wise if Q is small)
> it is just a cascade of vcf~ with noise~ (and pink~) put trough that

# Granularity comes from the fact that the overall sound is the sum of short
sound segments (which are 5 to 30 msec long). To avoid glitches due to
discontinuity these segments are calculated by enveloping a sinusoidal with
a gaussian.
# In my patch I prepared some sound segments with definite duration and
frequency and triggered them with regular time intervals.

mine isn't making sound similar to yours ..i'm not sure does it fall in
> the granular concept ?

# In this view, I think your object works in continuous signal domain.
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