Johannes Kreidler hat gesagt: // Johannes Kreidler wrote:

> thank you for advices and bug reports. i fixed some things, added
> another abstractions und help-files.
> here are the honk abstractions:

Nice collection. Btw: I don't know, if you know this trick, but you
could also hide the name and arguments in your GOP abstractions.
Example hs2.pd as a variant of hs.pd is attached. Should work with
pd-0.39 as well (except the label setting, as I added it).

Note that hs2.pd also routes numbers coming in through the inlet
directly to the outlet, while only using "set" on the slider. This is
a workaround around the buggy behaviour of sliders when transfering
input data to their output data not unchanged (This is already
reported in the bug tracker.)

Your list processing abstractions could also be implemented without
requiring any externals. Or rather, they already are in the [list]-abs
collection or in RTC-lib. ;)

 Frank Barknecht                                     _ ______footils.org__

Attachment: hs2.pd
Description: application/puredata

Attachment: hs2-help.pd
Description: application/puredata

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